Thursday 16 March 2023

This you!!!!

 When you’ve been living this you lately since this music the way it was like opening up a book of that version of him that version of his love for you to the moments that come along with and to the sound…….

One funny incident today when you are that lost in this one track on loop and suddenly walkins commenting something and walks out and is when you realise the transition happening on the inside the comment was the way you were sitting!!!!!!for reasons!!!!!

It’s like constant goosebumps flashes of him rushing through you with the sound that one constant and you just wish there was some way to either put a belt on your mind imagination or just make you stop listening to it just cause the waaaaaaaays it’s making you feel and live him away on a constant mode……

His words his stares him answering your questions doubts away to mentioning away some day some moment you better be prepared and a zillion more words it was like living that side of love with his words and now decade later to the words of the sound the waaaay it still brings along his words moments and his facial expressions as he shares the details with you………

This you hidden deep down inside living another version all this while and suddenly it’s this you that used to live feel set free with him suddenly awakened and HOW!!!!!!!

A you after a very very long time and all it took was a sound that had the most beauuuuutiful him vibes like every single detail expression of his comes along with different tracks and words…

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