Sunday 12 March 2023

Sound of Him!!!!!!

 Come back home play this mix of missing tracks that make you miss him al the more and changing changing this track plays and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaays these moments of him whispering away be it back then over call sounding sleepy and still talking or later that morning beside him post bup meet and he holds onto you not letting you move away from him and keeps talking something to the zillion dream whispers of his and the waaaay it just brings a smile on fataaak se like in between just stop and just be with the song playing loud and this viiiiiiiibe it turns the complete room into not sure if it’s the beer or just still happppppy high from the dream this morning!!!!!!!

RaAaaaaaaaakhhhhhh miyaaaaaaaaaa saaaaaath samundaaaar paaaaaaar mein tereeeeeee peewecheeeee peeeecheeeee aaaa gayiiiiii n howwwwwwww!!!!!!

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