Sunday 12 March 2023

Night lights!!!!!

 There’s something that beauuuuuuutifullu nostalgic romantic about the night street lights maybe cause they always bring him along!!!!!!

The late night drives with him back home him slowing down making the most of you just before dropping you back to just being lost in the beauuuuuuuty of him under these very lights cause ayyyaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaaay he looked that sexily beautiful under the street lights too his eyes his smile his that face one face with no smile on just that strong stare that it’s almost through you peeping into your deep soul not a blink nothing to just live those moments the waaaaay every angle time when out for late the waaaaay it brings him along……

Or those evening jams too there’s something cheeeeezilu romantic bout the jams too or it’s just self reflection the way it pauses evrythung around every single car person along on a pause mode and there’s you living that rush of him as you live the blinking lights around mind is just feeeeeeweling a lil more high than you did before……..but this viiiibe today charlie to eventually single time under the evening street lights jams and also why you used to loveeeeeeee his traffic stories he used to pehle some track or just his drive stories that he used to or just him capturing moments away cause u alone know apart from his music apart from his chummi sound of his voice touch of him his huggggg bites everything him away if there’s also another thing that u actual mein miss is his photography tooo him capturing saving moments there was that beauuuuty to it like that window to his soul even be it for the moemnt bhi there was Sahi mein something that beautifully something 

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