Thursday 9 March 2023

Mornings n moments!!!!!

 Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one face in the world I say for you said it a zillion times before can say over a godzillioooonth times more!!!!!!!

The waaaaaays he comes!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday and this morning the dreams that you had were deeeeeeep be it moments wise or the things that he was talking bout holding you away again skipping it writing it out cause they were high hoped ones something that was THAT beauuuuuutoful and completely opposite to the reality…

The way it sounded like he sounded like he was reassuring you letting you know and the waaaaay those moments felt that strong left you all confused and lost after waking up……

Like how could he feeeel al that away make you feel that way and still be missing after the waking up kinda state of mind!!!!!

Finally get kn with the workout like you just had to and the moemnt after this one track his track again and the waaaaaaaaay it brings him along play it bend down for a stretch and feeeel him in that very moment holding you from behind like you could literally feeeel him around behind you with his arms over your waist……as weirdly crazy as it sounds some moments you just have to write out cause that’s how strong it was!!!!!!!

Like he was literalllllllly there holding you the same way in a rush!!!!!!!!

To shutting your eyes away and feeeeling him away with the sound of his music……..

Be it holi mirror moemnt with him his dd space mirror moemnt first you holding him from behind before the mirror and after the way he again takes you to that spot and this time holds you away and watches you for a bit like he used to to his Versova mirror moment all these mirror moments with him suddenly rush through you with the beat n sound of this track…….him holding you living your presence in the mirror moments the way he would just look at you with him like look at al of you and then see himself and the smiiiiiiile the hug growing closer it was magic every single time charlie!!!!!!!

There was something bout it just to be that way live that moment with him and live that beauuuuuuuuuty of him in those moments every single time!!!!!!

Today as you move throug the stretches the waaaay every one of those moments with him still holding you like you couldn’t just visually live those moments but feeeeel away every single one as crazy as this sounds……

There was this big smile on you with that rush of him through the movements today like you were just happy with that sense of him with you as you move through…

Something’s I swear!!!!!!!! The state of mind it can leave you with is beyond logics!!!!!!!

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