Tuesday 7 March 2023

Idea of happiness…!

 What’s your idea of happiness a simple sounding question means a lot more than what and how it sounds like!!!!!

It’s not something that just makes you smile or excited it’s not that materialistic Khushi it’s that feeeeeeeeel that makes you that happy that makes you come and feel alive soooo alive in that very moment like every cell in you suddenly feeeling it that much every cell in you smiling away feeling that rush of happiness away and suddenly all of you feels that wholesome that complete that alive with that rush of happiness…

To you always been things to do with him even as strangers to just see him randomly almost smile away at someone he knew at the gym walking past by and smiles that was the first time you’d seen him smile and strangely somehow from him looking lost head always down to just live that moment of his first smile you still donno why or how made you happy on the inside…

With that lil scream inside he just smiled like from that frown that lost face for days to finally seeing him smile soon as he does he looks at you and stays that way and you were just happy even writing it now you still donno what or why it made you happy!!!!!!

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