Sunday 26 March 2023

Window to your soul…!

 To this day today when the manager and this another influencer friend plan evening out at her place over drinks…..and this time you stick to your one bottle cause you know you messed up last time by day dreaming him amidst people so this time you were well prepared and this conversation to another conversation leads to the photography about you and your pictures and directing the image and movements for portrait cause you recently did with another influencer friend of yours…..

Like she talks bout how there were some friends of hers working on their first movie protects and asked her who worked on her pictures and if they could get that done too and she did confirm on the female and somehow adds there was this guy too who is working on his first project and asked if you could shoot for him and somehow knowing you how much I have I knew you wouldn’t do that for a guy project and rechecks with you the same……

That very moment that lil inside conversation was that that evident in your actions and you nod away saying yes for the female one to which picture was the first one you’d clicked and there he comes and howwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!

There were these mani Ratnam tracks playing in the ball ground you were high on the strongest beer you’d ever had single one bhi and that very moment that beauuuuuuuty of him over the flyover the very first picture you ever clicked in Life was His and from his phone……

It was that feeeeeel charlie as he shows you how to use the camera as he thought you were clicking something else and instead you click his cause you did discover the beauty of capturing moments with him from him his way of love to capture you in some very special moments and the after feels it always used to leave you with like it all was rushing through you in that very moment as you take your fone and head downstairs in the lobby and just be with his music and his visuals playing on loop and you just sit here with eyes shut……

Some moments nai charlie just like that woooosh bolke suddenly you are in the most loved time of your life eyes shut and there he was smiling shyllllly away and that one moment when he finally looks into the camera and let’s you take his picture!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you beauuuuuutoful lil big adooooorable thing how only you were missed abiiiii k abhiiiii again slightest bhi if you knew I swear!!!!!!!

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