Sunday 5 March 2023

Sense of Him…!

 It’s these lil conversations and then the moments of self reflection it’s the waaaaaaay it suddenly makes you feel charlie like literally walking back in time……recalling how it all started to capture him driving sun behind him looking beauuuuuutiful laughing away over something and you take his phone and take the picture his first picture your first very picture that you ever clicked it was of him…

Over the bridge leading to tank bund like the moment still this very clear and he literally stops you initially and then starts to look into the camera and just smiles away this time his smile his look into the camera looked that beauuutifullu different…..pulls over still on the bridge to the side and you keep telling him how there was jam behind and he looks at the picture and that one smiiiiile again looks back at you smiles more without a word and in ishaara shows you his lap asking you to sleep over……holds you and drives again!!!!!

There was some track playing ups the volume a bit and just drives as you keep asking or talking something he doesn’t say a word remember it clear cause there was this confusion if he liked it or not only later over the call like always he talks bout it saying that was the first time someone actually clicked a picture of his like that!!!!!!

And he actually loved that picture of his to years later sometime dropping you back home post bup meet and you take a picture of his driving with street lights behind and him laughing over something you were talking initially again pushes your hand away don’t click don’t click an saying and you as always still do and looking at that picture looking at him the way he turns to you and smiles that saaaame smile all over again… show him the picture and that smile deepens a lil more asks you to send it to him and then adds not because you clicked it cause I look good!!!!!

Some moments nai even writing it now this sudden feeeeeeeeel it fills you up with even years decade after!!!!   

Lil did you know nai!!!!! 

LIL bhi!!!!!!!!!

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