Wednesday 31 July 2019


soooooooooooooooooooooooo yahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!

this neeeed for sudden diverting of the mind before it slips awaaaay again !!!!!!!!

sooo yahhhhhhh after the happiest start of the day yesterday when your mom mentions bout wanting to go for shopping the very first place you think of inorbit mall.....

again one of those first places where he holds your hand in public this time after watching you get confused bout stepping on the escilator....

out there yaha waah and that feeeeel of him still there despite of the place completely different now.....

this one corner of the mall there was this one lil designer store and he sees some white dress in the window and walking yaha waha again goes back  tothe same store and just stands there watching it and then watches you back.....

and you just nod away cause it had a low neck and almost an open back and tiniest noodle strap kinda dress but knee length.....

and the way he again just waits and still looks at you and then back the dress again....

this time you just had to for him....

step in and he asks you to try it on and waits for you outside.....

the sec you wear it like alwasy dont even see it for yourself and that need to show him first.....

cover yourself with the chunni you had on.... like the sleeves and the back part.....

dont step out and the way knowing you he makes sure to jsut outside the trial room door.....

open the door and the sec he seees you that one khushiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii on him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one face i swear that one khushiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii making you feel the prettiest one on the face of this planet i say despite of still being covered.....

and that one look of his hindi translation baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh bas ek look charlie daaaamnnnnnn it smthings you jsut cant write out in hindiii.............

the waaaaaaay he just stays still lookng at you and just by the way he looks at you and you know he wanted you to turn around and show him the dress..... with just one nod of his asking you chunnii off ke liyee....

and as you turn around and that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling !!!!!!!!!!!

and then standing with him still watching you waiting for you to look up at him now.....

it was the most beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful moment again one of those first times of your life with him.... be it wearing a dress like that one for the first time and then to share it with him share you with him......

and then that after feeel of looking away and that neeeeeeeeed to hide away in him only which obvsly you couldnt being a public place....

the way he dheere see says karely and you finally look up and that one nod from him in ishaara asking you to change back....

done changing the sec you step out the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he holds your hand tighter all of your palm that  tighter on your way out of the store looks yaha waah and just chummiss away your hand.......

after that moment the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay he just kept looking at you that feeeeeeeeeeeeel of his love for  you that you could sense in the way he was holding you or when you hold his arm the way he was keeping you closest......

dosnt say a word nothing at all for those few hours that you walk yaha waah in the mall..... once in the car the way he dheere se mentions bout the laal mole and the kaala mole peeche..... and that adoooorably smiles awaaaaaay and then jokes bout saying you never told me bout it karely.....

that moment for you was finallly you could live that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of hiding awaaaaaay from him in him.....

and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he holds you even closer as you hide away in him !!!!!!!!!!

ineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee misss huaaaa ekdumm seeeeeee tho ronaaaa ataaaaaa ab ekdum seeeeeeeee itttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar aaaake misss huaaaaaa tabbbb biiiiiiiii ronaaa kaikuuuuuuuu araaaaaaa ekdum seeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that much love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the most beauuuuuuutiful moments of your life, laced with Him... each one of them !!!!!!!!!!

that beauuuuuuuuuuuuutifully laced with him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chipppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Youuuuuuuuuuu were missed the mostest this very moment here abiiiiiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

abiiiiiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii uskuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu chummiiiiiiiiii wali feeeeeeeeeling lag jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!

aur ye biiii lagnaaaaaaa ki meich chummmi maari bolkeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!! 

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