Tuesday 30 July 2019

Waking up.....

when you live a start like that one today lil do you know nai whats there ehad of you.....

lik in your mind you were still heading out for work but a few sudden calls and change of plans and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him on every step almost bringing you mindfully closer to the date back then of meeting him again that need to skip last - recently !!

it was gurupurnima !!!!!!!!!!!

sooooooooooooooooo yaaaaaaaaaaaaah not going there agaaaaaaaaain.................

lilst of moments and that feeeeel of him from ths morning only growing closr.....

like it was only making more sense why he kept saying im here karely im not going anywhere..... like he was assuring you taking you to his places cause you that baaaaaaaaaaaaadly missed his presnece pasing by sanghi on the way to tirupati....

and like today he filled up tat missing toooo.....

by taking you there holding you closer and reasuring you bout his presnece and his love for you by holding you closer to him.....

and not letting you leave his hand......

if you add logic it makes no sense but te waaaaaaaay it jus feels all more coonected .... like you feeeeel that sense of smthing and the waaaaaaaaaay his presence was in a way clearing it all out by just saying a few words.....

holding you teh way he used to making you sure you know you feeel he is not leaving you not letting go of you.....

to these moments through the day and that one n only word ringing through you throughout the day no wonder you felt him that way ths morning !!!!!!!

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