Tuesday 2 July 2019


as you just reading his chat and listening to that echo of his voice as you read the words....

and this one line ignoring most of the others jst so the other side of you dosnt get awakened !!!!!!

this one line sab sun who artist ke...

do as said just be listening to the tracks of the same artist and then switch to shambu reading..... cause the mind the words of the songs taking to another level.....

switch back to your beret playlist and watch that beauty of the drizzle......

how smthings you can never get used with each drop of rain that one HIM all you can feeeeeeeeeeeeeel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

every single drop of rain !!!!!!!

to this morning you donno when or how this one smthing you lived...

you see some pic of his kissing someone and ask him who it was and all like it was that brief thing bout someone and he shows you the pic and tels you it wasnt him like you dont remember what exactly it was like cause the mind i tell you completely transformed since the last one week or so ..... like you can def feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel this weird missing lostness only growing and you dint know how to get a hold on it !!!!!!

like it def feeeels like nothing youve lived before especially after that moment of seeing him after years and not being able to touch him hear him feel him.......

it was that weird knowing that was actually what you had wished for !!!!!

exactly why you must wish wisely like make sure to wish very very wisely for things in life...

sooooooooo yahhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!

smthing it was bout and you realize it was your mistake and he tells you that now he'll punish you and you have to do smthing throughout that day.....

and you nod away to it and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay him being his adoooooooooooooooooorable best asks you to wash his hands whenever he wants you to throughout the day no matter who is around or where you are at.....

it sounded simple.....

agree to it......

and with too many people or smthing cause again you couldnt see the faces of people aorund just that lot of sound with people talking walking around and he calls your name the his name karelyyyyy.... some room and on the other corner with him standing pointing towards his hands it was after meals thing...... and people around in the room and you show him in ishaara and him ishaara back at you to just wash his hands.....

just that one face i sweaaaaaaaaaaaaaar charlie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

THAT one face he makes and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it just pulls you awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to him like you wouldnt care a thing bout anything els ein the world which you anyway dont when it comes to Him..... but that one face he makes and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it pulls you off and awaaaaaaaaaay to him.....

go closer and him coming closer to you and you take his hands in yours and thats when you see your hands completely covered in mehendi those dulhan type of hands with toooo many bangles still with no nail color his way again but with fully covered menehdi hands and washing his hands away under the tap...... and him watching you that adooooooooooooooooooooooooorably as he keeps his head over your shoulders and gives you instructions over to clean the other finger too..... like his hands were clean already but that adoooooooooooorable way of his love to make you stay longer that way with him.....

to just live that visual of his hands in yours and that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him over  your shoulder watching you awaaaaaaaaaaay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIFE i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to there were many other times like you live that same visual over n over again like dreaming of the same visual like it happens many times or it ws the same visual.... for the first or second time prollu when you dont remember what exactly it was cause you were drunk last two days agains mthing for the first time drinking two days se oopar oopar.....

pata nai yaaa charlie never felt this way before......

the misseeeeing thsi strongly bad and then oopar se to just seeeeee him THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT close to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and not be able to hold him awaaaaaaaaaaaaay to not be able to touch him.......

malooom merku mera he wish thaa whooo dooorse bhi dik jaana bolkeee but ab naiii malooom thaaaaa charlie aisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lagtaaaaaaa bolkeee......

to seee him that THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT close to you and not be able to feeeeeeeel him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

to that moment when someone calls his name from other room and you wake up......


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