Tuesday 23 July 2019

Why !!

talking bout questions.....

yesterday out for work and one of those same places like everytime you are there at that curve of the road that goes real low and stretches out to some mankonda place and there is this low stretch of road like really low and the way it  takes you back to his place one of his fav most streets someweher in jubilee hilss and it always makes you wonder what if it was the same one cause almost every other corner of those streets and surrounding places are changing....

cause back then too the way he asks you to come along and tells you how it was his fav corner of that street and as you stand there the breeze the strongest cause it overlooked downhill kinda road with dooor rowhouses all around.... with that feeel of standing on a mountain top overlooking lil lil houses down.....

like you could almost feel that whole mountain vibe standing there.....

and the waaaaay it made you that happy with the wind on your face that whole vibe of that fav corner of his to it being the same place where he holds your hand for teh first time.... cause you used to wear heels back then and you stumble over those construction rock kinda thing and he holds your hand all the way.....

and yesterday or everytime now you pass by that one stretch of road that same feeeeeeeling.....

yesterday you already were that lost and the sky was waaaaaaay toooooooo psyyyyyyyychedelic his style.....

like it had that beauutiful glow all across the sky....

and you ask the driver to stop by and get out and just be standing there watching your own fav spot....

there is this house kind of thing on a lil mountain or rock base on the other side of the road.... and right outside the house there is this tree that perfectly placed right outside the house and inside the fence... as if though the house was built around the tree kinda perfect spot.....

and that perfect time of the light and the waaaay the sky lights up and the tree had that beautiful glow in that very moment his song playing your mind replaying that very moment with him from back then standing in his fav corner of the street and you save that feel save that moment away.....

some places that beautifully familiar like evrytime you pass by that place that stretch of road that oen corner the way it makes you wonder if its the same fav corner of his that he loved that much.....

and the way it did become your fav too cause it was the same place you did experience witness that transition of his love for you....

from seeing him lost and sad later that day there in that very place to the next time when he intentionally takes you there and tells you how happy he truly was to be there that day with you......

like you did see that live that change in him and the waaaaaaay it that beautifully allows you to live that feeeeeel of realizing your worth in someones life.... how much you truly matter  to someone !!

once done that one strong feeeeeeeeeling like yo just wish you could stand there and just scream out one why in the air.....

even the sec you see the block that same feeeling....

and the waaaaay in that moment too this one dumb memory recall which he again made it that beautiful.....

one of those drives with him and you with your head over his lap and looking at him and as the traffic approaches you try to move and he would always hold you closer not letting you get off saying nobody can see from out....

and you get off and ask him one of those again dumb questions if nobody could hear from out either.... and that one adooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorable face he makes wondering bout the question you just asked and he joins along with that dumb thought of yours....

adding that def couldnt hear if you jsut speak and gives you that one look and that very same sec you both scream saath mein the loudest and a complete success, you cant hear from out....

which again was smthing he loved with you.....

many a times out of nowhere at the signals right in the middle of some talk he owuld just give you that one look and scream away and this one time he actually gives you that look and you hands over your own ears scream with eyes shut withthat much excitement of living madness with him.... and he pulls the window down a lil and the people on your side of window looking at you as you realize the window was down a lil.....

from where to whereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

it was that same feeeeeling yesterday or then when you see the block only a different version of that scream.....

Why !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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