Monday 22 July 2019

Road of - Him 2!!

like that one sign board was only the start of the most beautiful few days that you lived after !!!!!!

soo yah there is that thing bout experiencing smthing that youve lived and loved the most in your life.....

and sort of is saved in you like untouched untainted just as you felt it then it still is now.... kinda memory moment that youve lived !!

to experience this roadtrip after him in his absence still strangely weirdly felt like he was there through n through this trip too for all these days.....

from that board to what and how you felt after seeing that board was again waaaaaaaaaaaay beyond words.....

sitting low mind at the slowest beautiful best his music loud enough that it calms all of you while you let your self soak drown a lil more in him.....

it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooooo beauuuuuuuuuuutiful for words...

that whole experience of experiencing him in his absence all through that journey to in a completely different place too...

to just feeeeeeeel the rains feeel Him rushing through you the more the music plays like almost every song on his on loop for the longest of hours.....

like even if you write out the most of the words you cant still even get close to what and how it made you feeel.....

its beautiful how the complete meaning of an experience is that beauuuuutifully laced with just that one love of yours that slikenothing else..... from the love for roads to just living him in those strips of gulmohars throughout that journey....

it was that beautifully trippy white to pink to yellow gulmohars right in the middle of the road and as the car speeds up the visuals get that trippy and to experience him in those moments with his music was smthing else......

its like in moments random no logic moments like these do you realize how much of someone youve truly completely become...

is when their presence or absence becomes secondary cause you can still feeeeel live them !!!!!

and HOW !!!!!!!!!

to the corners of the gallis finding his birthyear at some random temple gate to finding trees that makes people wish and hope for their dreams to come true some day..... remidning you of your very own one wish visual dream hope life call it whatever like how beautiful and weirdly strange it is....

tying up your hope wish dream and hoping for it to come true someday soon...

when your mom too insists you do the same and you end up joking over youve done this already in a zillion dreams before... and she phir bhi insists and you finally get in the line and the sec your turn comes instead of tying that one need to look around the tree it was that strange that one moment cause in your mind youve lived beig that close to the tree only knowing his presence being around somewhere.....

and for that one sec you maybe lost it again and look for him that one sec and just tie it.... your mom thinks you were wishing smthing but instead your mind still looking for him and you knew were sure of not asking for any wishes or hopes....

like you were just there to just be there and away.....

but the waaaaaay it all only felt all the more beautiful.....

there was chaos mad crowd everywhere people people every corner possible too much rush and stink around....

but there was that beautiful calm peace serenity that you could feel with his music still plugged in and much expected stares from your mom and around.... there was this own lil world of His that you were lost in.....

like all what was happening around barely made any difference to that inside world of yours that you were lost in....

those beautiful lil drizzles on and off and you head out instead to jsut feel the rains and live him a lil more.....

those lil lil temples around the main temple to that trip to the handloom place and then again those walks by your own to the nearby streets.....

rains above him rushing through you and that whole experience of still being able to live him in his absence and not even being in one of his places is when you realize it really is just is what it is.....

and not just connected related to any specific place or time...

the Him in you is you now !!!!!!!!

its not connected related to a place of his or being in familiar places like you feeeeeeel him no matter where you are its just the way it is now......

to juts live that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling charlie like you know to still be able to feeeeeeeel THAT much love rushing through you despite of the harshness of reality - is different beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully different !!!!!!!

nothing less than magic again.....

what and how you feeeeeeel in moments of your own like truly completely connecting you with the real you.....

like you were the most you in those walks on your own drizzle above his music playing just those lilst of flashes of him of his expressions of his sound his words his chuckles his touch from first to the one at his other place to his stares his nods every lil to biggest thig bout him...... the waaaaaaaaaaaaay all and any of him was rushing through you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was the most beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful of experiences that youve felt and had ever since his absence.....

most beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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