Monday 22 July 2019

Road of - Him...

this thing bout experiences memories like not the usual random memories but the kinds that youve lived loved the most in your life....

and you sort of attach relate scents visuals sounds to that memory cause thats how much youve loved and more importantly lived that moment which now is a memory you are reliving....

like you know exactly how the moment felt smelled looked like... cause you lived it then you are able to relive it now.....

the same thing was with drives....

as a kid you always loved drives those roadtrips to and fro from bombay to hyd.....

like just the idea of being surrounded with nature all around to watching the moon move slowly as the car moved to that idea of finding the moon all through the journey like you remember being wide awake watchig the moon away wondering thinking moon travels everywhere like with you the moon travel sfrom one corner to the other was more than magical in your mind.... to that idea of being the first one to see the morning rays light up the sky like watching the transformation of a nite to a day.....

was smthing you loved like those memories the good ones from yoru childhood are also most bout the drives to meet that mans extended family from one corner to the other.....

to reliving that love for roads did come back with him...

right after childhood it was with him that you relived that same love for the drives.... only this time lil did you know it was going to transform that strong love of yours for the drives.....

cause it was soon only going to be bout him and nothing else but just him and HOW !!!!!!!!!!

initially being amused by that same love of yours for the nature around on those long drives to realizing that even more passionate love almost of yours to live him.....

like you could go on n on and not blink for a sec and just live that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of him and feeeeeeel the happiest youve eveer beeeen !!!!!!!!!!!!

it was only after realizing that love of yours to live him, soon everything around only appeared less beautiful less loved cause there was him and ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to just seeeeeeeee him to just live him was SMTHING else waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond words and loves for anything in life i swear charlie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it just was smthing else like making you feeeeeel the happiest youve ever beeeeen to just live him from that close !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

everything to anything bout him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa like there was no waaaaaay you oculd see feeel live anything beyond him.....

that love for drives that meaning essence of drives was transformed by him and HOW !!!!!!!

be it living that beauuuuuuuty of him or his much loved you sleeping over his lap with his music playing..... to just live that feeeeeeeeeeling of being away from it all and closest to each other !!!!!!!

LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!

sooooooooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that was then and after that it was in this trip.....

like after him youve never really been on a drive or a roadtrip kinda thing like this....

and the sec you start off that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling it was early in the morning like the sec you are on the outskirts and the farther you go that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him.....

like you could slowly but that beauuuuuuuuuuuuutifully could feeeeel that one shift inside of you....

like smthing was changing inside again smthing you cant possibly write out.....

it was that beautiful like you could feeel smthing slowly transforming inside of you... and a lil more away and that feeeeeeeeeeel of the road again like you could that strongly feeeeeeeel like youve been there before.... that same need to look around to find smthing like not even knowing what you are looking for but that one search for smthing familiar that makes you realiza youve been there before with him.... like you could def sense that feeeeeel of his place but again not knowing where you were headed what road it was then or now..... you werent sure and this one board on your side of the window !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how can some words some sign board just like that make you feeel like you just read happiness love life HIM in the boldest biggest of alphabets !!!!!!!!!!

to just seeeeeee that one sig board after decades almost that one road that one street that one place !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SANGHI TEMPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just before taking that turn entering that street lil did you know it was your road to life transformation to say the least.....

like from there on everything inside and in your life was never going to be the same.....

youve lived this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling that you are again suddenly feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling right now then too when you see that board but smthings naiii you can never really get used to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

goosebumps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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