Wednesday 31 July 2019

The first sound...

talking bout questions when you live a day like yesterday there is that thing like eveything else disappears and all that is left is his presence and what and how he made you feel even be it in the dream bhi.....

like all that matters like always is how he made you feel even be it for a moment bhi.....

his touch him holding your hand him looking at you in a way asking you to connect the dots and see the places he was taking you to like telling you all this while he has only loved you and he is still there and will be there.... like he was only there to remind you his love all of love right from the very start to the opera like place and then tells you when he just sees that unsurity in you like you dont tell him a thing or ask anything but just try to keep yourself away by trying to leave his hand and the waay he only holds you closer and then tells you he is not going anywhere.....

where the other side of it being him only trying to keep himself away...

like after the bup the love has only been in gaps with no continuation with no assurance of a tomorrow or for that matter the next moment bhi.... like there have been times when he immediately blocks you right after you left his place bhi.... like that urgent need of block that immediate need to keep you off and that somehow never made sense cause you still felt that almost same love of his but without that one need of his for wanting you to be there.....

like that was missing !!

it never made sense, years later still dosnt.....

but that one thing was there still is and continues to be there......

its that thing bout love and relationships charlie like initially its all good but as the  time goes by you sort of get used to with love like you dont feeeel it as much as you did in the start kinda logic.....

be it passion or the intensity of love like that want to love that strong need to love sorts of fades away cause maybe one tends to get used to loving but only with time the level somehow sort of goes low with time.....

this thing bout his love like yours has been constant only growing with every sec not even just a day but that feeeeeel to know you are not the only one.....

every time you met him that one look that first look from him like you could just strongly that strongly feeeeeeeeeel it in you that strongly feeeel his love for you......

even the sec before you are bout to leave the waaaaaaaaaaaay he would just look at you like you could see feeel sense all of him head  to toe wanting you to stay wnating you not to leave and then there wwere his words telling you otherwise....

the way he almost leans out of the door right before you leave lik all of him that badly and beauuuuuuuuuutifully wanting  you to stay.....

why his words still wasnt saying the same never made sense....

like there was that thing bout him holding back himself like not really telling you not really showing you in a way how much he still loved you but you could just feeeeeeel it even in that sec when he keeps telling you to leave as itw as getting late and you refuse to and keep walking around him and holding him by the waist like just trying to make the most of his presence for those last few mins...... just before leaving....

thinking of it now this very same day years back it only makes sense why you dint want to leave then....

why you were making the most by just holding onto him a lil more every sec passing by !!!!!!!

smthings you relive some moments you visually live and write and now this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling when you were bout to write smthing and it held you and pulled you over to the moment of this very same day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lil did you knooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww YEAAAAARS it will be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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