Wednesday 31 July 2019

Him, everywhere...

sooooooooooooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!

from that corner the more him you could feeeeel rush through you !!!!!!!!

like after that memory recall there you were completely lost that one need to just be awaaaaaaay tabiii k tabii....

but you couldnt plug in his music one ear plugged and feel that lostness for a bit.....

and you get a call from your friend asking where you were n all cause she felt she saw you n all and finally decide to have lunch with her.....

headover to a closeby restaurant with your mom and her for lunch..... you still lost with your mom n her talking you looking yaha waha with THAT much him rushing through you.... its that beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful restlessness charlie these moments these memories you hold your mind away from reliving cause you knowwwwww the after feeels of these memories and the feeeeeeeeeling they leave you with is smthing you just cant get over or do anything bout !!!!!!

that beautiful restlessness with THAT much him rushing through you his music playing hoping it would make it better lilst bhi....

and this one table on your side one kid with beautiful brown curly hair just like his back then wearing a navy blue shirt smthings you just donnoooooooooooooo call it coincidence or just magic.....

turns around looks at you and that very first thing the kid does is his epic signature nose twitch expression that very moment you just get off go to the table and just run your hand in the hair and the kid holds your hand showing away some batman toy in the hand !!!!!!

it was like toooooooooo many him moments in one.....

batman too with that channel batdad thing that one feeeeel he'll make the same kinda dad.....

to that shirt color to the hair of the kid and if all these werent enough that one face the kid makes very first thing his nose twitch expression and you were gone poora kaaa poooooooooooraaaaaaa gone.....

that need to just be away get away from the kid and rush to the washroom and just be.....

up the volume of his music both earplugged and just be for a bit..... take a selfie there with that same expression of his.....

and i swear charlie it was the worst pic cause nobody does a nose twitch the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he does !!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one bunch of adoooooooorableness he is i swear !!!!!!!!

no kid nobody in the world could possibly do it as adooooorable or even closest to what he used to !!!!!!

head out back to the table and the kid still looking at you trying to call you back and the food wsnt there yet head out this time and just sit at this table out and look up and these birds flying over and this one bird sort of looks like it was dancing away to his music that you were listening to.....

and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him again his arms wide open almost bout to take a flight that one most beauuuuuuuuutiful human bird i say !!!!!!!!

it was like toooooo many sudden flashes of him one after the other his zoooomed in flashes is when it all only starts to get that beautifully worse....

head back in cause even in the birds all you could see feeeeel live was him with his beauutiful arms wide open....

back to the table and your friend had called for some drink and asks you to try it have a sip or two tastes good but tooo strong that hits your head.....

dizzzy head with more him rushing through you.....

all day yesterday there was sonu nigam playing n the radio as it was birthday or smthing and this one song plays and you were all the more lost - ab mujhe raat din !!!!!!!!!!!

smthings some daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays i swear !!!!!!!!!!!! 

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