Monday 22 July 2019

Visuals n moments !!

its like no matter where you look what you feel there was that beauuuuuuuuuutiful hint of him in everything to anything.....

for people around it was a religious place and places around.... and there was you lost in the crowd and in your own lil world plugged in...

birds  to drops of rain on your face and on the window....

that beauuuuuuuuty of him in every lil thing like you were only feeeeeeeeling him the most !!!!!!!!

like smthing in you that beauuuuuuutifully changing and growing more to become him...

it was different cause you could def feeeeel the difference in you like everything around only growing more to be him like in you cant really write or define out what exactly it felt like..... like smthing only growing more to be him inside...

best put !!

sight of the birds flying reliving him in his most beautiful form in the most random of moments security check and now everytime you see a bird that one wish visual always there to see him that way again......

the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he would slowly but widely raise his arms as the security checks and that one wish in you the check must go slow just so you could live him that way for longer.... your most looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooved human bird almost ready to fly to think of it now only beeen flying i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!

he was always a bird no charlie !!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE most beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful one undoubtedly !!!!!!!!!!!!

you should just seee him charlie in that moment ready for a flight of his own.....

raising his arms slowly and widens his arms and then looks up and you a lil far living making the most of his form !!!!!!!!!!!!

sooooooooooooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

almost every visual there was him.....

the hotel room that perfectly placed with the window overlooking the mountains and you sitting by the window side with his music and the mountain lights twinkling through the nite..... this one nite in that place and this random app on your fone updates the news bout the worst state of floods in bombay.....

and that one shake in you the way that news disturbs you away and that need to check if he was okay and you without thinking or rethinking twice write him away !!

only after you hit the sent that same thing you shouldnt have cause you did promise him you wont bolke.....

like you did decide you will never be in touch or write him again....

but that same feeeeeeeeeling charlie as and when any news like this hits you and that same rush need to check if he is fine like you jsut cant helpt it again when nothing else really matters but to just know he is fine !!!!!!!!

only the next day out for some handloom place and still in that state of mind wondering hoping wishing he is fine..... like you were disturbed missing him a lot more like all that while those few days it was mostly bout living him in moments but ever since that news that one thing constantly on your mind how do you know if he is fine hoping wishing..... and it starts to rain and that need to hear him for a bit cause when that disturbed missing strikes the waaaaaaaay his voice that beautifully calms it down smtimes......

and that day too you do the same get on whatsapp to hear him and that very same sec there he was....

the sec you read typing like you lose sense of everything again......

that beautifully numb that same shiver to just see him after longest ever.....

the very first thing to see his pic and that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of some moments he was wearing a similar green khaki jacket like back then of his bangalore trip.....

the sec you see his pic that one beautiful weird tingling sensation on your fingertips knowing that feel of his jacket from back then to just the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he looks that beautifully handsome ekdum proper sexyyyy straight face pose almost bout to smile wala pose of his.....

and again cherry on top his daaaaaaaaaaaaadi not fully grown but ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa addditional beauuuuuuuuuuuuty his daaadi adds on to him there was you crying seeeing him and happiest in that very moment cause you were seeing him after that long......

touching the screen feeeling him away cause for some reason you couldnt save his pic.... when you dont see his status either that one strange feeeling he will block you back bolke....

to finally reading his msg and the way he says you were on his profile even before he msgs which then you dont get it.... as he mentions profile and not chat and it gets you confused or maybe actually it was his presence his picture and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay that jacket of his brought back a zillion memories and feeeels altogether at once that you couldnt make sense of anything at all.....

finally tells you he is fine and all and asks you the first thing bout date marriage.....

in your mind it has always been obvsly a continuation but the way everytime from his side its more of a next chapter like something discontinued then and there and then back to strangers to a new chapter......

like the place where the block happened after was when you were planning to go meet him in bombay like days close and away from him and then to get asked of date or marriage was like he never really knew you or knew your love for him.....

it was that strange feeling of discontinuation like you werent where you started from..... like you know lost track on wher eyou were at and then to start again kinda weird vibe.....

like that lost ki you dint even know what to reply or explain or answer.....

and you leave it at maybe kinda thing and he asks you again and you change the topic to the weather and he immediately gets away with all good and you take care....

that very sec same sec the block was back even before you could make sense of the reply or at least write back a you too...


 be it then whne you felt that moment or now this moment here writing it - same feeling !!

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