Monday 22 July 2019

His presence...

in your head you are waay stronger than what you are for real...

and this logic was shattered and HOW when you finallyyyyyyyy live his presence see him for real after what felt like decades....

all this while that thing that wish bout dooorse thoo bi dikh jaana like you would still be happy with at least you saw him was broken and how when you actually see him for real doorse......

to just seeeeeeeeee him that close to you CLOSE to you and you couldnt just reach your hand out or scream out his name or just let him know that you were right there that close beside him literally, did make you realize where you stand in life.....

how its not just this whatsapp no talk distance but a lot more distant...

and that again did break you and how......

from being that lost off work and everything else to drinking prolly for a few days straght.....

just so you could stop replaying that one visual of his presence with that one bold heading that came along every single time that one visual played i miss You !!!!!!!!!!!

like that one realization of how much you truly missed him only hit you the hardest when you finally did see him and couldnt do a thng bout it !!!!!!!

and the best way you thought it would sort of wear off is by being on yoru own and away from everything else.....

and this big change second time first was when the actual breakup and second prolly was this time....

dint go unnoticed by your mom.....

and she just plans for a tirupati trip saying that she wanted to visit and wanted you to come along...

and you jus wanted to be away for a bit cause that one logic thought of what was on your mind all this while was smthing you actually did live for real - him being in the same city country as you and THAT close to you and you for the first time did know of it and couldnt see live touch or hold him.....

and you jsut wanted to get away and as far as you possibly could.... even be it for a bit !!!!!!!!

it was that weird charlie like nothing like youve felt before.....

those few days were worse than difficult like how do  you see someone that one someone that has been your life and eveything that close to you and you cant touch them let them know that you were right ther ecant say their name out cant call them out like you cant do a thing but feel helpless in teh worst way possible.....

like to just see his bike zooop away in the jam like the farther it ketpt going the weirder it got inside of you !!!!!!!!!!

and all of that you just dint know how to deal adn get over it.....

and you thought getting away would help make it better for you like you could for at least a while stop replaying that one most looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooved visual of your life HIM for a bit !!!!!!!

lil did you know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you were only going to feeeeeeeeeeeeeel him closest through n through !!!!!!!!!!

howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YOU beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful lillllllllll big thing how onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy You were missed abiiiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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