Saturday 27 July 2019


isnt it strange charlie when you are with someone and you think of missing in their presence you barely know or realize the kind of things the waaaaays youll miss them its mostly bout the physical attributes like the chummi or the hug or the touch like you know miss seeing them the way you do in that very moment like missing mostly confined within those limits but as the distance grows so does the definition explanation of the term missing goes waaaaaaaaay beyond than just that.....

like with time with the distance the word the term "missing" is much much more than just the feel of a missing or the sense of missing someones presence...

you dont just miss the person their physical attributes just those obvious things but just the thought of their presence in some corner somewhere just them being somewhere and sharing their presence with someone could be anybody random too just someone passing by and how this whole thought whole vibe of their presence makes you feel is smthing else......

just that thought of reliving the way his sound feels the way his eyes roll the way he just walks the way he just stands the way he just waves his hand to fly away that msoquito or to change that track anything to eveything that lilst of smthing of him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain not wantin to write the state of mind and yet it sort of gets stringed along with one word to the other.... from one feel to the other !!!!!!!!!!!!!

how do people get that lucky get that damn bad fcking lucky to be able to live a moment like that one and not knowing the worth of it like that clueless of it and yet be able to live it charlie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like how just that lucky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to pass by him to hear him to just live that one glimpse from him to see him smile talk walk or just be around !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not wanting to write and yet this feeeeeeeeel as you write !!!!!!!!!!!

some state of mind you dont really wanna hear out like its better off in your mind !!!!!!

and yet this need to write to just be able to let it out but now as you do and keep hitting delete with evey word !!!!!!!!!

stranger are the ways of a missing mind !!!!!!!!!!!!

how damn bad lucky i swear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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