Wednesday 31 July 2019

First sound3!!!!!

its like he always knew you much before you !!!!!

a lil back story on how in different phases you did sort of felt that love for the strings or the sound....

from being amused by the way the music teacher used to hold that veena or sitar with her long hair tied in a choti with mogra flowers all through gracefully siting and holding the veena and plays it and you would just sit there waiting for her to be done just so you could get ur chance on holding the veena.....

soon as she would leave you obvsly couldnt hold it so you would just sit there stringing making some sound with that hope someday you will learn it and hold it and play it.....

just like you did wnat to a zillion other things including classical dance form too....

to this other instance when your moms brother would come down to india and you would be there with family to meet most importantly your brother..... and the mama would spread out eveything that he had purchased on the way from dutyfree or smthing like one of those show off things with you your sister bro standing on one side just looking at those things for mama's daughter n son by then.....

and it was one of those yearly visits that mama did bring this one dancing doll box thing.....

like this one box thing which is common now then itw as a big deal almost magical....

like you open it and a dancingdoll in a ballerina pose would pop out to that peculiar slow tone of the keys...

and again you never were the dolls kind but jst that sound amuses you the sound ofthe keys.....

and you keep asking mama to open it again n aain just so you could hear that sound.....

that was then and yesterday the same sound closest same sound with his song....

now you have your own sound that which you dont have to ask anybody to play like you can just play the most loved sound of yours as a kid.....

its this thing that you always had with him shared with him and he did with you...

this one bond this one smthing that neither can he deny that he feels it cause he did mention many a times having felt the same and nor can you get used to !!

or not be amaaaazed by it as and whn you feel it realize it relive it time n again.....

you have always been Him..... like every lil thing bout you he knew even much before you did..... every lilst of thing.....

and the way unknowingly he did gift you away with  this one sound you loved that much as a kid that you did even forget bout.....

cause now its only like the things to do with him is smthing you manage to remember the rest is all just blur...

again not smthing intentional but just the way it is now..... priorities i tell you !!

though the lyrics go smthing like its not 2009 anymore or the title has those feels of someone coming over  to meet him and all but for you it comes your sound a sound just for you !!!!!!

how why what you donnooo you dont care it just is for you !!!!!!!!

smthings i tell you waaaay beyond than just the word beauuuuuty and waaaay beyond the logics !!!!!!!! 

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