Tuesday 23 July 2019

The walls !!

these words that you come across on one of the pages you follow that goes by smthing like you can only love someone as much as their walls allow you to.....

His lucky back then every time he tried to move his car just bout to leave the way lucky always used to stand closer to the wall and start barking like that need to just be out to jsut get over the wall and just be out.....

and smtimes mostly actually when he couldnt see lucky that way he would take him along mostly when dropping you back home....

same feels what lucky used to feel back then.....

cause on the other side of the wall is Him for you and he did mention similar thing in that Lucky post of his.... when he talks bout luckys issue with the boundaries.....

same feels Lucky !!

with every block of his the way he would sort of raising the bar of the wall around him making you almost unreachable like you couldnt reach out to him.... like with every block the farther you go the difficult it gets to reach to him.....

jsut when you think you could reach him came another brick on the wall making you feel seemingly impossible to reach out to him...

and now you try to not to make those attempts of looking over the wall.....

like you know be try n be content on the other side of the wall....

move back and the waaaaaaay his dreams the moments you live through the day be it the lilst of ones even spotting khaki chaddi legs and shutting your eeys away reliving that moment of him walking back to his apartment where you could just see his legs and hands in his pocket as he walks back to his bombay apartment.... making the most of him as you could live through the lil auto wala back window.....

these moments keeping you sane bringing you closer where you feel the most you feel the almost alive sense of smthing......

they just make you happy even be it for a moment cause you are that beautifully lost and wander around in your own lil world for that moment....

its just you and him in your mind in your own world.....

and you are just happy !!

theres no confusion of an if or that fear of being pushed away or being run away from......

its just that beautiful stillness with that want to be there with you !!!!!!!

like you can feeeeeel it in just the way those moments dreams happen and make you feel even much after dreaming it.....

smthings i swear !!!!!!!!

like even be it for the sake of dreams smthings you jsut cant thank enough for.....

nai pata nai mera kyaaaaaaa hotaa thaa ki !!!!!!! 

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