Wednesday 8 April 2020

H Sound of music...

after ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees !!!!

you know charlie smthings may seem that very lil and at the same time can mean more than the world to you !!!!!!!!

thats what and how its always been with and bout His sound of music...

just does smthing you donno what or how but just does smthing !!

this set of songs that he likes most of them mixed feelings lyrics wise but mostly chill vibes.....

and for the first time when you dont really get the lyrics part of it but this one set the title of it and just does it for you !!

i think bout you when it rains...!

two sets down and that one rush need  to just be out on your own and you head out for a walk.....

felt this way after a very VERY long time.....

and thats when you know His music like always waaaaaaaaaaaaay more than JUST music !!

waaaaaaaaay more !!!!!!!!!

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