Wednesday 15 April 2020

Seeing things !!

day before when the news bout the extension of the lockdown announced and you decide to get a few groceries a lil stocked up !!

and with your mom diabetic there was no way she could come along and thanks to your no driving skill too you had to do find some way to get it done.....

you head out telling your mom that your manager next building was coming along her being too scared wouldnt step out.... there is this service from bb that does stock up some groceries at the fridge in the apartment but thats only limited stuff not the all of grocery stuff.....

so with no way but to find some way to get the grocery stocked now not sure how long this would actually last than what they are saying as of now....

walking out of the apartment to the main gate that one weird feeling in the stomach like all those thots of having father partner brother someone by your side that one feeeeeeeeling that kept growing with each step.....

lil did you know it will only get that much more worse when you were finally out....

still at the gate asking bout if any available driver that could come along some way and they kept saying no cause drivers n maids not allowed inside the premises and there was no way they would let ur driver get the car out and head out....

stll not sure what to do with the situation and this one bike comes out of the apartment and close to the security takes the masks off and it was one of ur neighbor that stays on the same floor with his parents.... like it was a cordial knowing the guy being the office timings in the mornings.... and the guy asks what it was bout cause he knew you stayed with your mom and asks you if you needed some help as he was heading to get the groceries and you could come along and you just look at the bike and just nod back saying a no thank you....

goes back in and comes out in the car and tells you if its bout the social distancing thing you could sit at the back seat and you finally get in.....

from that moment on to looking around roads with cops not a single human on street that weird scary vibe around that feeeeeeeeeeeeeling finally sinking in how serious the complete situation ekdum se turned out to be....

that feeling of being on your own just you out and you were scared and the most lonely that youve ever felt in your life.....

it was the worst feeling charlie i swear...

like suddenly it all looked like one of those scary dreams that you get mostly down with fever....

big world around big big people only this time it was the big big cops with big barricades around and nobody else not a single sight of human that smell that weird vibe in the air it just felt like one of those scary dreams that you were living for real.... just you in the world around !!

that feeeeling was nothing like youve ever experienced before.... those thots of having a partner a father shoulder pe pat karke bole chal khaana leke aayenge....

you know that feeeeeeeling when you look by your side and it fills you up with the worst lonely feeeeeeling ever..... with that one wish hoping you had someone with you that day to just be with you !!!!!!

you thot you were very strong now being independent youve gone through the most n the worst but nothing nothig at all would even come close to what and how you felt that day !!!!!!!

to finally reaching the grocery store and you see the line wait for your turn and finally in two people fighting over the last bag of rice and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling again giving their own excuses bout the same how the other needed the most and those movies contagion i am legend lil did you know or anybody knew things like those could happen for real too.......

i swear people need to stop making such movies !!!!!!!!!!

when the store guy comes with two more bags and it was your turn and another lady requests for the same it was that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling charlie you wanted to stock up but she needed it you dint know if you could come out again but that feeling when you just cant couldnt have walked out with that bag even being the first one to get it..... its not bout being good or bad its just bout the time that it has come down to and you try to analyze who needs it more she was really elderly all by herself maybe standing there and literally pleading you to give it to her.....

you let it go and she without saying a word more that happy face leaves immediately she was there just for the rice.... moments some moments you just lose your sense of self like standing there not sure whats happening and when will it get better kinda thing.....

pick few other things and wait for the guy to be done.....

back in the car and he starts to talk bout what you do your name n stuff and you couldnt say a word that weird feeling from stomach to now the throat just looking around..... you were scared fcking scared the worst ever scared youve ever been !!!!!!

almost till the gate and the most unexpected thing happens the bigbasket guy calls up informing bout the usual load that was filled in the fridge cause you did ask him to inform beforehand and today of all the days asks you if you needed anything more they can add that too as they were taking individual orders too and you finally ask for the rice bags !!!!!

it all comes around !!

that one moment that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling it fills you up with !!!!!!

that one moment of sigh smthings again you cant really define out in words....

that one day that one noon was def nothing like youd ever experienced before.....

it was an experience....

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