Sunday 26 April 2020

Sharing music...

this thing bout His music....

your playlist is like its just yours.....

dont share it with anybody else.....

like not even a single track be it your friend your mom asking what you are listening to like for a bit wanting to give it a listen you just cant..... like that bit its just yours.....

maybe cause its the only bit you have now, that you can call yours.....

today yash asks you what you were listening to like it was making him curious the way you would talk and yet have that one earplug plugging all through the walk.... like that habit of yours and having seen you often pehle se with the earpugs in.... and you just tell him you dont like sharing your music.... and ignoring it away he asks you if you are into edm music and recommends a few artists.... and that bit you ignore away....

music its always been Him.....

the start of music in your life was the start of Him in your life.... like with Him came music.... and how ever since that first track of fink did start your love with music.... not cause you liked the music but cause it was His music.....

ever since then music has been this soul with you in you that goes with you no matter where you are who you are with what you are doing, his music always with you.....

and then have someone else recommend some music and you dont even google the artist or give any of it a listen.....

music is Him.... its like with his absence your way of filling up for that was His music....

or any music that leaves you with that beauuuuuuuutiful vibe of His presence....

like any music that makes you feel anything of Him.....

it all is feeling this weird and yet beautiful charlie.....

like you donnooo what you are doing but it just makes you live Him.... its making you feel like you are living these moments walking these walks with Him having these conversations with Him like its Him talking to you walking beside with you.....

one of those rounds and some joke yash cracks and it cracks you up with to that sudden tear cause in that moment the low tone of voice was like you heard Him talking it was like the voice was His.... and you were laughing to suddenly realizing in a sec it wasnt Him.....

its messed up fcked up but still making you happy strangely weirdly making you look forward to those walks...... cause its making you live Him walking with you in the waking state.....

to that moment one round and you notice this club area part of your apartments had these new plants covered up around the window....

the sight of windows, His versova house.....

and that rush again the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay all of Him in that moment suddenly rushes runs through you !!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT one meet !!!!!!!!!!

when you thot now you finally had His love back in your life again......

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