Sunday 26 April 2020

Something in the air...!

quietness at nites is smthing that has become a norm now with the current situation....

but theres smthing that much special on some nites when you can just smell that in the air.....

donno what it is but its that peculiar scent in the air that feels different than the regular nites... not sure if its your mind or there is smthing like this that actually happens for real......

now as you sit in your place with his music playing lights off feet up with this beautiful chill in the air like theres smthing more than just the chill this different scent in the air....

the waaaay it just eases your mind away making it feel smthing more than just the usual beautiful vibe of the nites....

or maybe its this new experience that you are living that you never thot you would and yet did happen is happening....

pata hai charlie this thing bout knowing love knowing missing the one you love is never this fixed way you would ever think or accept that this is all you had to know bout love like you know done with knowing love knowing bout how to love someone.....

its a process that which with time sort of grows with you..... like the more experiences you live the more ways you discover bout loving someone missing someone.....

like this too could be a part of missing someone loving someone or living someone now...!

its strange nai when you read quotes sayings bout love like this is what is love.... that ending quote to the notion of what love is.... it never can be a fixed idea or standard way of loving !!

the waaaaaaaaays you end up loving someone even with their absence or the reality of the situation.....

WAYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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