Wednesday 15 April 2020

Experiences! 2

nobody prepares you in adv for things like these....

def not and thank god for that, this being the only time that the planet goes through what it had to and soon it all be the same again back to normal !!

but that one feeling of walk that one feeling of still looking for somebody beside you walking that walk with you telling you wordlessly that you werent alone like you know you know youve got someone with you that one someone to just tell you like it was madness the way all you could think of some voice telling you with a tap over your shoulder chal khaana leke ayinge....

that smallest of thing but to you that day that one thing meant the world....

it wasnt just bout the grocceries it was bout being with someone in times like these it was bout having a partner to share times like these with to feel safe to feel secure especially in times like these.....

the way just looking around the places the deserted streets around made you also realize even in a time like this not even for once did he even for a sec think if you were okay or not like if at all did you ever matter to him.....

it was the weirdest afternoon youve ever lived !!!!!!!!!!!!!

def !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was all your fault him having been clear all along all these years making sure he did make you realize where you were in his life out of that line standing outside the boundary of his place.....

and yet you dint see it through couldnt still understand where you were at !!!!!

him now having found his pretty one as lil as you could see it was now your time to move on life....

this one thing you did realize you cant go on in this life on your own.... with just having someone to live moments in the dreams... you need that care that love that someone through your days and reality too..... smthings you write and then backspace it and then now this need to write again what you were writing..... beautiful irony of some moments n thots !!

you need the same love care that presence that you feel in the dreams in your reality through the days too in your waking too.....

beautiful irony i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sooooooo yahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smthings and the way and what they leave you with is beyond words.....

that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling that you missed the most after a decade....

the waaaaaaaay all through that walk with those thots all that was playing through on loop was the sight of his hands around you in the movie crowd..... the way he had that habit of shielding away the area around you with his hands after the movie gets done.... to making sure nobody comes even a bit close to you !!!!!!!

some moments make you realize this is what you are missing.....

love you are done with for this life !!!!!

that def wont happen again.....

but to have someone by your side is smthing all of us need to....

not just for the good but especially when it gets bad...!

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