Sunday 12 April 2020

That level f sukoon-2!!

its that feeeeling charlie like this him dream him is yours just yours alone !!!!!!!!!!!

only him actually now that you have !!!!!!!

and usmeee bhii if some moment you feel that you missed out on by waking up that one feeeeeeling kaisaaaaaaaaaa kaisaaaa feeeel hotaaa is beyond words....

that feeeling stays plus the news plus the wierd feelling of everything happening around and usmee that one moment that one sukoon moment bhi you wake up and find no him obvsly the after of it is the worst !!!!!

the very next day its like that feeeeeeling in you again this weird logic your mind can come up smtimes with..... yeich this only things in your mind sound better at least def sound bettter than writing it now.... cause writing your mind out your that moment feeling out now is like actually reading how mad how truly mad can you get missing someone like the things your mind the logics your mind can come up with trying to reason out what and how you felt is beyooooooond !!!!!!!

the very next day trying to sleep switching sides left rite left rite and this one momnet with his music stll playing again this new looooove to plug in the earplugs with his music playing and sleep to just lay that waaaaaaay no matter where it is on your bed on the floor on the couch still watching smthing and you instead switch to his music plug in and just lay with no lights is absolute BLISS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like thats your moment thats your life right there in that moment you feel the most complete in that momnet again just smthing you know what and ow it makes you feel like.....

soooooooooooo yaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.....

with turn after turn and this one turn and that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of his smell that close to you like you could smell him that closest and that slow pull to go closer so you could feel him very slow and that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling the waaaaaaaaaaaay he just holds you away like literally takes you away in his arms whilst you are still in that same sleeping positon making sure you dont move and miss out again..... and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay him making sure that he dosnt wake uupi up the waaaaaaaaay he gently holds youa way and holds you closer to him..... that close kii you could feeeeeeeel his daaaaaaadi ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that beauty of his daaadi over your forehead and you try to go up a lil more just so you could feel more and smellllllll him more.... and trying to do that the waaaaaaaaaay just like he used to back then on drives chummiis you awaaay instead and just stays that way holding you...... like you try to move again maybe cause you knew nt sure..... you try to move and the waaaaaaaaaaaay he stays that way holding you closer.......

his presence his touch his smell to just live that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling of his presence being all cozied up in his arms was that feeeeeeeeeeling thatst ame feeeeeeeeeling you lived loooooooooooved back then......

your safe place safest place the only place where you could feel that THAT level of ultimate sukooon.... like theres no place else no someone else that you would want to touch smell or live but just him......

to just live him that way live that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling of being loved by him.....

the way he was holding you felt like he was making up for the nite before that you missedout on living that moment with him.....

pata nai charlie when you see the world to where it is going you sort of feel the love all the more like all those details of your life sort of replay through you.... the moments the people that matter changed you rlife good or bad changed you good or bad.....

like it all sort of plays through making you rerealize what really matters and what doesnt after all......

like you sort of tend to love life more be grateful thankful for the moments you did get to live and also ponder over why it couldnt be you !!

just so you couldve lived him more loved him more donnoooo it sort of keeps popping up the more you sort of stay away from not rethinking that side of life or story but its like when you see this too can be life when nobody must have exected smthing as small as an organism could transform get this drastic never seen or heard before kinda chnage on the planet.... make people rethink about their priorities in life work and who really matter after all..... what really matters afterall !!

maybe you sort of tend to love more when you see smthing or experience smthing like this.....

like you hold onto life and love all the more, knowing thats all you really need or it comes down to afteralll.....

sooo yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!

with things thots like these running through you all the mroe wait for that dose of sleep.....

cause the missing lately again is smthing like never before, you truly never before missed him the way you do wno.....

maybeyou feel this way every single time but this time def different.....

to live that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling to experience that moment of his love be it in the dream bhi means the world to you...... its that peace that level of peace like nothing else could ever even come close to /11

its not smthing you just feel it shows......

the late morning alarm rings you wake up and teh first thing look to the side of ur pillow like you dheere see turn in a way like you knew were that sure he still wold be there..... and you dont find him but that feeeeeeeel of him holding you that feeeeeeeeel of his presence stays with you.....

the first thing your mom says the sec you step out of the room is that you were glowing and sks you how good of a sleep youve had cause you were glowing that much.....

rush back to the room to look at urself it was a glow charlie.... you actually were glowing again that saaaaaaaaaame way like you used to after meeting him..... and this again your yet another dumb question as you look at urself and him watching you looking at urself in his car rearview and ask him how come you glow and go pink that much with him..... him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa his that one nod THAT one nodddd everytime you come up with smthing dumb and yet mused to make him nod and ayyyaaaaaaaa smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shy smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee awaaaaaaaaay that adooorably !!!!!!!!

smthings you write !!!!!!!!!!!!

and THIS feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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