Wednesday 8 April 2020


everytime  you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel this THIS much of him there is that thing charlie bout missing thinking of him in waaaaaaays !!!!!!!

like there are a zillion n over versions of the ways you miss him now with years....

again smthing on the similar lines posted on one of ur fav pages that talked bout missing someone over days to weeks to months and just bout that.... to you it now is bout months to years now and with the kind of time its now over a zillion ways you feel miss live him....

and when it comes to music His music it just takes it  to another level altogether...

pretty close to what and how you used to feel with his presence...

just bout close !!!!

mind sort of drifts away from everything else every bit of anything else on your mind with work tension quarantine weird vibe n all of that running through with that why get it tilll that close and get the professor to be exposed by that psycho cop....  its like different channels running on your mind and there comes that one sound out of nowhere after THAT long wait of stalking his channel almost every hour now find these few songs that he adds to the list.....

that sight literally makes you turn off the tv that very sec runnnnnnnn to your room  to your corner near the window turn the lights off water by your side lay on the floor feet up and just let the sound of his music work the magic.....

its the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the mind all of you almost floating off the ground like theres nothing around and yet everything in you that beauuuuuutifully tranformed just with that one humm of his sound...

of his music that is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SMTHINGS you write and that very instance this ONEEEEEEEEE feeeeeeeeeeeling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

his sound !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

soooooooooooo yeahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!

its like what and how you used to feel his presence the way it used to make you feel like nothing around nothing above nothing at all it sjust him and the waaaaaaaaaay it used to you leave you transformed..... sec after sec bit by bit !!

almost like your wings tucked away inside and the waaaaaay just the sight of him standing there frst at the door and the waaaaaaay he would take a few steps back n lil away from you and then watch you from there.....

it was like he could almost sense that transformation happening inside of you that he would love watching it from a distance.....

wings being tucked away inside slowly that beautifully slow pop out goosebumps on your skin mind drifting away from everything else like you cant see a thing feel a thing sense a thing but just Him.....

like literally all  you could see feel smell live looooooooooooooove adooooooooooooore was him standing there that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of his presence and this thing now the more you write now bout that one moment this need to stop writing and at the very same time just this feeeeeeeeeling it gives now this very moment the more times you write just the word - that one presence of his !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was you setting the real version of you free in and with his presence....

like the only thing only someone that brings out the real you Him and his music.....

maybe with his absence now for all this while its almost like the music does smthing very cloooooooose to what and how his presence used to make you feel like.....

almost bringing out that slightest bit of the real you - with his sound...!

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