Friday 24 April 2020


its only when you live or come across such situations do you realize the many ways that you could miss someone.... in the lilst of simplest of ways....

like even smthing as lil as that could mean the world to you !!

today when you decide to go out for the walk at a different time a lil later than the usual....

few rounds later yash comes over too.... today in three forths and t shirt.... the sight of the three forths and the waaaaaaaaay the mind again all Him.... only the t shirt wasnt like he used to wear it as with the end of the sleeves folded one fold.... which being with him back then you did get used to wearing it the same his way too.... like even now you always fold the sleeves one fold at the end for tees.....

conversations bout your work economy and the general stuff and that one sec when he says watch your step..... it was a puddle of water over a step that you missed seeing....

yash has a beard and tall too its that feeling that you realized today as walking by your side gives you that feeeeeeeeling of having Him walking next to you....

like there was that feeeeeling to that moment when yash says that it was that thing.... to be looked at taken care of even slightest bhi to that moment of reliving Him saying the same....

knowing your habit of tripping over the flattest of surfaces too.... that day at the mall when you trip over a few steps and he screams at you saying deke chalne nai hota terku zara sambhalna na karely.... and you couldnt get up with that pain over your ankle and he takes your leg and tries to put over his leg to check and you keep saying a no and pull it back cause you didnt like him doing in with people around like you know hold your ankle being on his knees with people looking at him.... and the waaaaaay he just looks into your eyes and tells you its us karely lemme see..... and tries to massage the ankle and then holding you takes you to the car.....

again screams at you adoooorably asking you to be careful and why couldnt you just be careful while you walk.... cause by then he had seen you a zillion times falling in every place surface possible.... and you just sit there smiling laughing at him scolding you.... him asking you what was making you laugh or smile everytime he gets mad at you and you tell him you loved him controlling you correcting you.... that very same second the waaaaaaaaaaay he fataaak see holds your arm away like he always used to.... and then asks you again like this you mean....

smthingssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


smthings you dont wanna write and the waaaaaaaaaaaay you just cant just cant hold back from writing either.... its like this way of reliving that moment as you write like this way atleast to live that moment relive it for the moment.......

sooooooo yahhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!

it was another one of those most loved things that you looooooooooooooved bout him.....

it used to give you that strange extreme level of khushi you still donno why.......

it did start with him holding your arms away as you try to release your hand...... with that to anything at all he would correct you for or get adooooorably mad at you you just looooooooooved it......

him controlling you asking you not to do smthing or correcting you it was a different love..... and loved evry bit of it it just used to make you that happy..... and that he could never understand why him getting mad at you used to make  you that happy smile away with him being still that mad at you !!!!

that moment today watch your step came with that beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful echo of his voice.....

to those rounds of walk when you dont look up at yash not even for once its not smthing you avoid doing so but theres nothing like you want to or feel like its just blind conversations literally..... good ones but you not even for once do you look up and the waaaay all through the walk those flashes of how you could never take your eyes off him.... its nt bout comparing but apart from Him youve never had any conversation with a guy or long walks like these ever before..... its always been just him....

this prolly is the first tme ever....

its that feeeeeeeeling charlie to just have that presence by your side of a guy of a man walking with you cause in that blur image on your mind as you can just feel the presence and not see the face of the one walking beside you it makes you feel like its Him.....

chaddis beard tall just walking with you.....

its complicated and that very beautiful.....

it just feels nice to have someone share smthing with you like you want to talk to you want to hear you want to spend that  time with you want to have that conversation with you.... like you know share smthing with you....

and then there is that beauty that goes on your mind.....

that takes over everything else.....

cause in your mind it makes you realize today that apart from the obvious His smell, touch, hug, chummi everything else that comes along you just miss his presence this way too with you.... to just have Him walk with you by your side to have any conversation to feel His presence beside you with you like you know you look around and then loook to your side and He is there to just live that feeeeling like you miss that lilst of Him too to just have him by your side live his presence that way too.....

you miss that much ki it was just making you smile today.....

as it had just rained and teh wind was beautifully wild today.....

and to just feel that presence of Him instead.... when you realize you actually were liking this cause it in a way was filling up for his absence..... it was making you relive those walks with Him by your side cause you werent even looking at yash and were just living the presence beside.....

cause seeing the face would have meant breaking the illusion that your mind was living and loving......

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