Wednesday 15 April 2020


be it small or big experiences like these teach you a lot more than you were ready or prepared to learn...

they def make you overcome your fear or in your case made you a bit more stronger....

overcoming fear bit not sure but stronger bit lil bit thoo you felt !!

get off the car at the gate he cause you just wanted to take that walk....

never did you ever think you could or would say this all of us need someone charlie in life....

you cant spend the life on your own....

you need someone by your side not sure bout the good days but on days like these you def need someone to just be by your side and make you feel its all gonna be just okay..... like you know be that friend that partner that father that smthing that you sure know has your back and is with you through this.....

its that safe place that one feeeeeeeeling that you felt for the first and only time with Him...

when with him no matter where you are in crowd or in those deserted streets of opera that one feeeeeeeeeling of being the safest the most secure with and by just His presence.....

knowing feeling you were and will be safe with Him by your side...

lil did you know !!!!!!!!!

after decade that same longing for that one feeling to just feel that way again....

to feel being safe secure with someone !!!!!

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