Sunday 26 April 2020

Words !!

some words some moments and the way it sort of breaks that vibe in your mind....

like it draws that line of what and how you are living that complete moment complete experience as and makes you realize this is the real side of it.....

just bout to leave and in a mazaak way yash asks you if you would come along for a grocery date with him tomo as he was heading out to get a few things and if you needed smthing and that shwen it hits you as you look at yash and all that vibe feeeel of Him woosh boolke gayab....

and you tell him you had good stock for another few months kinda thing and just bout to leave and assk for your number again and you tell him it wasnt that necessary as you anyway meet for the walks....

that was when it got weird.....

come back home that need to just be for a bit......

that moment charlie when still on your mind with all Him when someone says that like it suddenly it woke you up in the waking state kinda feeeeling....

ajeeb hai charlie kaikuuu achaaa lag ra its like its Him like He is there for real like you know not when you are sleeping with eyees shut where you miss living these kind of real simple moments with Him like all ofthis its with Him walking beside you..... but that moment date number like that suddenly shook you up.... like what are you even doing !!!!!!!!!!!

all you know is its just making you happy even be it for a few mins its like suddenly you are livng moments with Him in your waking state and not just in your dreams....

its that messed up !!!!!!!

if this wasnt enough in the kitchen cooking some chowmean stuff at least tried to and your mom watching some hindi movie...... till some words and you just come close so you could hear it better without really coming out poora and literally making it that very obviosu to your mom why you wanted to hear it.....

the way it was bout wanting to love someone completely with everything they come with and not just a part of them.... a moment of them, but to love all of them every bit of them.....

that feeeeeeeeeeeeel of Him again.....

bas this is how He did in a way teach you to love by loving you the same way.....

and this is what and how you always wanted to love Him.....

not just for a day for a few moments for an evening or afternoon but every bit of Him to have Him all of Him and not just a part of Him.....

like it sort of defined what you are experiencing lately....

why you were liking loving these walks..... cause it was making you relive Him like this after years....

walks with Him random conversations to share evenings with Him was smthing you only did back then.... never again.....

and moments like these to share moments like these wth Him just stayed with you.... with that one hope till few months back, that too you dont have it anymore.....

like when you know the reality and then you find some way anyway to fill that up even with the absence you just live it just go with it.....

exactly what you are doing, cause its making you happy even be it for that hour cause in that hour in your mind you are with Him in your waking state....

to this one song that plays like you make sure to either stay in the kitchen or in your room cleaning the room that late too and wait for the movie to get over..... cause by the sound of the movie you knew it would only add trouble to your state of mind.....

and this one song starts to play and bas that feeeeeeeeeeeeeel again save that moment save that feeling of the day and take a selfie its the weirdest one with a almost teary face but the way you just wanted to hold that feeel of the day today....

some moments some words like sing to you like its just playing for you kinda thing smtimes....

like you know that beautifully adding meaning to what you are already feeling !!

it was a day filled with ironically beautiful moments today.....

like even with the distance with the absence with the reality to just live this experience of missing living Him.....

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