Friday 24 April 2020

Lil'st of joys...

times like these its those lilst of joys that can make a lot of difference.....

like the beauty quietness and the beautiful chill n smell in the air......

one of those days that usual started with looking for him after that presence of his smell around.... to that moment when you realize you were finally 5 kgs down wit 3 more to go.... all that almost depression state months had lead to unhealthy weight gain..... with no time on hand earlier you couldnt manage on losing all of that and in just one month 5 kgs down was a record !!!!

like you did notice when clothes were fitting back and only fittin loose but its when you visually see it on the scale - lilst of joys i tell you !!

to that sight of the rains today and every single time it rains thi sbeauuuuuuuuutifully......

smthings i guess you can never get used to or even get over with..... its that sense smell presence of his that every rain brings along.... a longing that has lasted for more than a decade now !!

now its like rains with a scent of their own so does him, like one beautiful package....

theres so much negativity around with people talking every shit possible bout economy work health n more... there are very few that actually hope to come out better stronger from a situation like this one.....

like all you need is that one strong line of hope to hold onto and holding it on will only make it possible.... smthings you write and this another realization yaaaaaaaaa right as if only lets skip that for now actually.......

soooooo yaaah a day of realizing losing weight to trying to make the most deliciously healthy chaat at home like trying to learn cooking and pick out the easiet stuff to try on was prolly the better option.....

it was only the evening that sort of was the highlight of it all......

it feels all of this suddenly this different.....

its like when you grow used to someones presence or maybe the only one by your side seeing someone else feels this different.....

very !!!!!!!!!!!!

lil did you know watching that very first film he that badly wanted you to see My sassy girl, your life will actually turn out to be closely the same.....

sitting there hand over your shoulder playing it for you cause he had to go to the kitchen and ask bhupal to make smthing for you..... plays it for you and tells you that adoooorably dhyaan see dekhna dont miss anything.....

agaaaaaaaaaaaaain from where to where only it went......

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