Friday 24 April 2020

Taken care of !!

ways of love, to care to be cared bout to be missed and all that it comes with....

to be cared bout no matter how strong you are is smthing we all unknowingly crave for.....

this is the first time when you suddenly realize you never mattered really....

and finally decide to change things in and bout your life.....

and with this come new experiences....

that one word watch your step and the next few rounds the way he kept saying be careful as there were lizards too....

it was nothing at all and was in a friendly way that too !!

but it was smthing you def werent used to for years now....

Him being the first and only one in your life that you shared such moments or experiences with.....

after him it has never been anybody....

this time being the first tme ever that you were allowing yourself to stay instead of running away....

with this you realize no matter how strong you are and know you can very well handle yourself sometimes you just need someone to care bout you to be there with you tell you so like it can make that big of a difference.... exactly what and how you felt that day being out for the groceries.....

to have someone to be there for you and with you.....

charlie whoo feeeeling bhi you lived with him.....

never having experienced that kind from your father he was there always filling up for all that you missed out on all your life....

it was with Him you did experience what and how beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful it was to be cared bout to be taken care of.... like it used to amaze you how that feeeeeling could feel that much beautiful and same as being loved can.....

to just be taken care of is BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!!!!

to know you got someone who will take care of you no matter what is beautiful....

no matter how independent or self dependent you are in life, we all need want to be cared bout taken care of even be it for the silliest of stuff..... but that feeling of having someone is different !!

to think of it now it feels that much more strange and weird cause its been that long since you havent experienced it.....

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