Thursday 23 April 2020

Tough times and learning...

when its all good beautiful and easy, its a rare that you learn smthing bout life cause its all that good.....

everythings seems and is perfectly beautiful..... you just go with it and barely learn smthing bout it !!

its only and mainly when it gets tough testing do you learn discover experience smthing new bout life....

and this who knows it better than you !!!!!!

this time too.... you be positive bout the whole thing still am but its when you see read come across news like stating it to be the most unusually scary and never befor kinda situation that th human kind has ever experienced or expected to be hit by....

been on this for last few days ever since the outing for groceries... like that one was a total eye opener.....

like the seriousness of the situation in  your face kinda thing !!

to this one msg from an old initial client of yours was a forwarded one tho to this news few mins back.... stating this to be an eye opener for the human race in more ways than one, allowing them to use this time to prioritize things in life and relate to the aspects of life that had gone unnoticed or unattended....

this msg yesterday from the client that goes to whom so ever it may concern as you are in my contacts am assuming i know you and heres me wishing and hoping you and your family are fine and remember these are tough times and we shall all overcome and come out of it stronger....

and know that am here for you if you need someone to talk or any kind of help....

you just write back with a big thank you and hoping the same with her too....

that one message set of words the expression and intention behind the msg left a lasting impact on your mind......

how lil did you know her how lil was the interaction how long were you in touch with her and most importantly how much did she mean to you..... coming back to your only person that ever mattered to you in your life, no trace of you !!!!!!!

you do come across this logic term statement of people change time changes but lil do you know it could be this drastic too.....

like you dont really understand the weight of such a statement till you experience it for real....

change is smthing that nobody has control over..... sooner or later it happens in the course of time.....

be it what we are currently going through too, this will change a lot of things people perceptions around the world bout a whole lotta things.....

so did it for you a lot of things.....

to finally know to finally understand and to finally see things as they are.....

an dmake peace with it.....

and most importantly to let go of the expectations hopes that youve subconsciously held onto....

kabhi lagta charlie is it really that easy and simple to not care at all !!!

like to just not care no matter what happens is it really that easy and simple to do !!!!!!!!!

like you alone know how much how bad  youve tried all this while to actually not care give it a thought like to bas just be and not care at all...... but kuch bhi karloo nai hua, pata nai kyu bas nahi hua..... no matter how hard you tried not to but naich hua.....

like that one random msg from a close to stranger literally shook your mind up..... it wasnt even anything but that one feeeeeeeeeeeel it overloaded you up with !!!!!!!

someone you barely knew, to the only one you ever knew...!

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