Tuesday 21 April 2020

To be loved...

i swear charlie this one thing this one logic way of life thing - to be loved by someone you love is prolly the biggest thing that anybody could ever earn in life.....

its nthing less than being blessed for life...!

to love is one thing and then to be loved back is smthing you really gotta be lucky blessed in life to earn it....

one may achieve earn everything that one possibly can get to greater heights in life but that peace that space of peace in your life to be loved by the one you love is smthing else and nothing like anything else that could prolly even come close to that feeeeling.....

this is whyyyyyyyyyyy you avoid drinkin the stronger ones..... even the walk today dint help when you want to write is diff to what you are writing now......

this mind righ now this rush of feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings like toooooo many wayyyyyyy to ooooo many feeeelings all at once.....

moral of the story to beloved is smthing you only gotta be blessed with !!!!!!!!

and you were at one point in life.....

one of those days when he would want you to suddenly spend some time with his sister and that afternoon too you werent expecting him and suddenly comes over sks you to get ready and you do as said on your way down to your fav corner of the steps he stops you and holds you awaaaay smthings you dont wannaaaaaaa write !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not anymore and then this feeling as you write nowwwww !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he would just ekdum seee take you awaaay in his arms hold you and just stay that way and that beauuuuuutifully dheeere se tells you that he wanted you to stay that afternoon with his sister as much as you can....

and that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful hmm of a question in that low toone of his voice and you just nod still holding him.... just that nod the waaaay it makeshim that happy and that you could feel in his hug as he holds you even more closer.....

once done on yoru way down him playing smthing with you it was tickle or his usual kicks as he walks ahead and you miss a step or smthing and trip over a few steps and hit your waist part ahainst the corner of the step or wall it was.... and just before you were bout to hit the ground he holds you awaaay !!!!!!!

in that moment it did hurt just abit but with time it sort of was hurting really bad.....

by the time you reach his place and in his sisters room the way he keep sasking you if you were okay and all..... after smtime his sister notices blood at the back of your top and asks you what happened and lifts up your top without even asking like that worried she was.... and there was a deep bruise around the back part of the waist.....

asks you to lie down and insists that she applies some lotion to make it better.....

ever since the thing in your childhood youve always been that uncomfortable with touch like it always shakes you up and makes you uneasy in the worst possible way....

as she starts to apply the lotion she tries to pull the jean down a lil more lower and that touch felt weird.... it just dint feel right like you could just feel it dint feel right... and you try to move stop her from doing so and she goes on with insisting on applying it that very same sec his knock on the door asking you if you were okay that very same sec and you scream and mazaaak mein say you werent okay as his sister wasnt leaving you and all.... and he goes on knocking all the more asking to open the door like what you both were upto kinda knock.... you fataaak se get up and open the door.....

that one sight of him there to just see him there that very same sec like all of you that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadly just wanted to hold him away hug him awaaaaay the dentest way possible......

that touch made you uncomfortable in the worst way possible !!!!!!

and that maybe was smthing he did see it in you still asking you in ishaara bout what happened as you dint look okay.....

he could just see anything charlie...... like you neevr had to tell him aisa hua waisa hua bolke anything hint of discomfort in you anything that shook you upset you anything bad to good he culd just see it in you like one look from him and he would just knowwwwwwwwwwwww smthings was that good that made you that happy or you just werent okay....

the way that day too his sister doing smthing looking for smthing else and you standing there looking at him with that sigh of him having been there at that very moment and him still asking you in ishaara if you were okay.... and you just nod and tell him its all good and just tell him timing hai teri....

go back to being with his sister and he stays there for a bit longer and then goes back to his room too....

every few mins the way he would just come stand at the door just look at you just be there that way and then go back to his room.....

every time charlie he was there at the door that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling in you through you like would just hold your hand with his stare wanting you to come along with him..... that one missing of his just by the way he would stand there looking at you....

and you couldny do a thing neither run to him and hold him away or tell him that you missed him too.....

you just be there living that missing of his in that moment....

that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of his to miss you in your presence the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he would just stand there and give you that one adoooooooooooooorable kid missing you look of his.....

howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee smthings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

exactly why you dont want to write these moments anymore......

thi sfeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling it fills  you up with.......

suchaaaaaaaaaaa mess !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SUCHAAAAA MESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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