Friday 26 January 2024

What it iz!!!!!

 Whatsssss this even!!!!!!

This sudden you shift and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays he has been coming lately and today after that long wait he comes and HOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! 

It’s this feeeeeeeeel every single time he comes like this his breathe the way moves the sound of him his hands just the way all of him feeeels vibes in a way like it’s THAT much missing and suddenly was living it away all at once!!!!!

It’s that rushhhhhhhh of him that you can sense theofjb his hand movement the waaaaay he holds you gently at first and that change in his grip rough and wild knowing not to write out things but sometimes you just can’t hold it in cause uts that much him and the waaaaaaay he came this morning!!!!!!

Changing sides in your mind still waiting for him and that sudden scent of him your eyes still shut and as you move a lil closer that breathe of his the way he was breathing high go a lil closer and you could almost feeeel that rush of him in him and the waaaaay he just directly chummis your face away as you were still sniffing him and his presence away!!!!

And you try to move cause you that bad wanted to see him too and he makes a sound for the first time cause it’s usually you making sounds and the way he makes that sound like he didn’t want you to move and he just wanted to kiss you away!!!!!

To that one second when you firmly try to push him so you could see him and for that one sec or two open your eyes and there he was full daaaadi your ultimate fav black shirt wide open no wonder you felt his skin over chest as you pushed him and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he looked that beauuuuuutofully sexy wild gorgeous everything at once and you for that very moment were in awe of the waaaay he looked and was looking at you and comes closer again nodding away that signature nod of his……and the waaaaay he moves around your neck still feeling stil living him in that very moment you connect that same move of his from the himversions the other day……it was surreal charlie like the way he was moving holding you pulling you closer living feeling all of you with that constant change in the way he was breathing……..

It was something else like to feeeel him live him that waaaaay in that very moments and this constant thing at the back of your mind not wanting the morning to come like in your head you weee wishing you hadn’t set the alarm cause it goes off and he goes off along!!

It was max madness like you could feeeeeeeel that same feeeeeel of losing yourself in all him like you are suddneyvlaced with all of him every inch of you……..

Some sudden movement as he turns and grabs you along by the waist and you move and wake up the very first thing was to smell yourself and that very instance as crazy as this sounds writing out now there was that mucn scent of him like you were still in that sleep him highd hazy state of mind looking for him beside you and still could smell all him on all you!!!!!

And HOW!!!!!!

Try and go back to sleep again just so you could be like ya I am back let’s continue kinda definite try it was for quite sometime and doesn’t happen!!!!!!

Finally up and the first thing was to rushhhh runnnn to the workout!!!!!

Like from the very start you were that charged up himhighd be it cardio be it strength training like moving dancing himhighd it’s that rush of his that sort of shifted on all you and HOW!!

To this recent beauty of doing himversions with his enrque tracks!!!!!!

And for the first time you experienced a himversions session could be like this too…

It used to happen this you used to happen till this extent with him and his presence for real…

These moves you were again feeeeeling him the tip of his hands the neck of his against yours it’s these brush of moments and the waaaaaaay it zones your mind out like you could feeeeeel that high that beauuuutoful state of mind where you lose the sense of you and are one with the waaaaaays it’s making you feel away live him away with deep breathes the sound and the touch and feeeeel of him……it was slow initially to this level when some Asan of holding your arm back you literally miss on holding and scratch your back away……that very same instance that feeeel of doing it on him at opera and the next day at his place comes running to you shirtless before his sister asking you to put some powder over his back and you see your work of art all over his back…….

Like he literally sits down with his bare back before you and asks you to put the powder whilst his sister shocked still looking at you and you didn’t know if you tame that sudden switch of mind in you seeing him that way in day light before his sister or just touch him away……

He turns and sees your expression and realises what he just did and that adoooooooooooorable shy face of his says ohhh yaaa and goes to his sister instead…as she does him still looking you in the eye and smiiiiiiiling away that one smile of his knowing what just happened!!!!!

Sooooo yah it was that same feeeeel same mode after very long to this point where feeeling him with the moves to the morning dream recalls it was making you moves in a way like you never did before rubbing the ear away biting the lip away it was all madness!!!!!! That state to feeeeeel him as you moved al over you!!!!!!

What’s this even how does it even happen like this like how even writing it out now it just doesnt make sense that state of mind and mood it lands you in like turning the sexy mode on but how!!!!!!

That sense of him breathing his lip over you touching feeling away like you are wide awake and yet to feeeee this what’s this even!!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this mind how do you what do you even!!!!!!!!   

It was that himhighd today you just wanted to save that geeel that very instant away for that specific moment and take a picture!!!!!!

To visually live it again…!

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