Monday 22 January 2024

The Lift!!!!

 From that moment him holding you you donno what or how it was sudden there was this rush you were making way through post movie or something it felt like with someone walking ahead and with you and enter the lift and your back stilll towards the lift gate you walk in with people behind you and you go a lil further in the lift look up there he was again…….same tee so felt and looked like continuation of the moennt cause you must have slept or woken up in between and this was another one and you go closer that same look in his eyes another floor some more people get in and a lil closer and you lift your feet up a lil to reach his face and the waaaaaaaaay instead he smiiiiiles that smile knowing exactly what you were doing cause you did the same when at his place against the bathroom wall of his and he leans over you instead and moves his face this side that side in a way it touches all of your face away every detail of his face touching feeling away details of your face away and that rushhhhhhhhhh in you to live him feeeeeel him that way again after all these years!!!!!!

This feeeeeeeeel right now as you write it out this pace of heartbeat again this rush again right now some dreams and some sounds can do to your mind is just beyond anything else!!!!!!

It’s this feeeeeeeeeeel rush of him right now!!!!!!

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