Monday 22 January 2024


 All these years been living him away in moments and dreams but to live a moment moments that felt like that real like from today’s him and you and live that beauuuuuuty of him form that upclose in a public space the way he moves his face over yours to smell him away his daaaaaadi against your cheeks just that feeeeeeel of breathing the same air as him breathing him away literally and as the floor comes the waaaaaay he holds your hand and literally pulling you out literally runs to the car park side and that stop for security check and this time turns around and looks at you and smiiiiiiiules that smile and still looking at you raises his arms in that saaaaame wild gorgeous human bird form as the security guy checks him ultra cause he was still looking at you and didn’t turn towards the security guy…..

It’s like you were living your dream moments of him with him for real mein for a change the waaaaaaay there was this gorgeous sexy pulllll the waaaaaaay he gets off the security stand thing and still walks looking you in the eye and you rush run to him and he holds your hand again and takes you to the car like not even for a second looks away like he was letting you allowing you to live him the max most way possible!!!!!

Like it was a finally he is there with you kinda vibe like letting you know the wait was over kinda vibe!!!!!!!

The second you get in the car he places his headphones over your ears same way like he did back then and plays some track and just in that same rush of his from the dreams chummis your face away like first your details away in that beauuuuuuuutoful crazy passionate way like it wasn’t just you that missed him that way kinda vibe and you were sooooo full of him with your ears listening to his sound your senses comepmtely laced away with all of him completely!!!!!

To that bit when he finally kisses you and that feeeeeeeeeeeeel same rush same viiiiibe where you lose drown in all of him away wooooooooosh bolke!!!!!!

Like it melts away the very existence of you and all you could sense feel breathe taste was him!!!!!!!

Like to the extent where you get breathless and you try to get some air for a second and him in that beauuuuuuuutoful rush and that one second the waaaaay he stops in beyeeen holds your face away and you open your eyes him looking you in the eye and the exact same way he says it again missed you…

It’s that very sound that touch of him somewhere that kiss of him that him looking you in the eye moennt some sound loud it was repeatedly at the background alarm it was and you wake up!!!!!!

The waaaaaaaaay that one waking up you were the most restless literally desperate state of mind to just runnnnn away to him no matter where he was just run to him in that very moment like now now kinda rush of him want of him need of him it left you with…

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