Monday 1 January 2024


 Even today coming back home there was this rush to get on with the workout cause that need to feeeel him away was just too much!!!!

Like that high heart beat racing to another level mind all of you in that rush where your mom keeps asking you if you were okay and stuff….but you clearly weeent cause you couldn’t think walk talk be straight with that rush of him and that intense!!!!!!

Soon as you were done with the workout play this song and eyes shut the very first move and that ceeeeel of him moving his hand over and along with your hand as it moves and feels your own leg away stretching moving twisting and slowing down in between to moving in a rush……as you lay on the mat and do the rest of the moves with head down to the side eyes shut all this while that feeeeeeel of being all curled and wrapped up in his arms this time feeling his skin away against your arms and the waaaaay in your mind you were playing the visuals from the Versova meet where he makes you lie down beside him holding you placing his leg that way as you move slightest bhi it’s all him you feeel with his one arm around you……like you had your head over his arm and the way he keeps moving you closer farther off him in movements and writing writing you suddenly now realise this……how this movement magic has been happening lately!!!!!

Back then too the waaaay he was nibbling over your arm shoulder and all that while his other hand over your stomach just moving around the way he keeps lifting still sleeping sleeping and moves you a lil away sometimes a lil more closer sometimes…….knowing you shouldn’t be writing it all out but it’s this again need lately to just write this missing this rush out cause it’s too much to handle on the inside and as crazy as this sounds there’s no sign or way to tame it down either!!!!!

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