Tuesday 23 January 2024


 It was all very different beautiful madness it’s this feeeeel even now like suddenly you are feeling too much away and yet THIS lost!!!!!!

From being there the road way the curved trees on the trees that hover over the road too see it visually to college buses driving by like it all was playing backwards being with him loving the site of those trees and looking throfjb them as he holds onto your hand as you turn and with your head out to live the trees to teens in busses looking at you both you over his shoulder as he drives and you try to move as they were watching and him being him holding you back closer to him saying they are seeing our love stay no…….and they wave back and you wave them back witb him adding see!!!!!

It’s all like it was just yesterday you were there with him like he was right there with you you over his shoulder him holding your hand looking you in the eye as he slows down closer to the trees his music playing him smiling that smile windows down!!!!!

And to finally be there the roads almost same kacha road like it was back then as he takes it to one side and stops and that one look on him like you’d never seen before literally eating his own lip away and you knew it it was it…….as he brings his face closer chummis your nose eats it away literally and holds and you stay with that one ONE WAIIIIIT and that sound of his adooooooorable chuckle and him watching you laughing his heart out as you were still waiting and then you embarrassed and he shows you in ishaara as there was cement trucks passing by right behind se……..

And he says something and starts to drive just a lil and as you look at him still smiiiiiling away and then suddenly stops again nodding away looks around and comes closer again holds your hand and there it was……..

Just a lil first and shiver more and stay and the waaaaaaaaay he kisses again and some sound you make and t did become a complete long one!!!!!!!!

It was that feeeeeeeeeeeeel charlie like suddenly you experience a feeel like that one sense something like beyond that moment in that moment you lose sense of everything else around you donno where you are at what’s around you all that you could feel sense touch taste connect was Him…

After that moemnt you just stay face down eyes still shut trying to live that moment in you for longer his hand still holding yours and gently pressed your hand in a way asking if you were okay and you just remember looking up at him and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel in you he just knew it!!!!!!!

That it was your first time before that moemnt he didn’t know it’s never been anybody else he was and is your first and only!!!!!!

And just whispers saying we all have our firsts but this was different and that’s when he takes the picture!!!!!!

On your way back home yesterday too there were max cars with Bombay number some feeeels nai are just evrythung else!!!!!

There was this call from your friend yesterday when on your way to work discussing bout locations and she mentions bout this one overlooking the lake and you ask more cause you did know it had a lake the place he took you to and ask her if can go alone or need someone and she mentions bout being far off and stuff and you immediately take a u turn from work head back home take your mom along saying out for drive kinda thing……..

To be there to live him there in his could be place and relive this very feeeeeeeel of him being a lil his back then was something else this rush even right now as you relive it all right now as you write!!!!!!!

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