Monday 22 January 2024

Waking up!!!!!

 From wake up Sid to waking up like this!!!!!!

Another one of those firsts a dream like never before where it starts off to something that you’ve always longed for all these years one of the things actually!!!!!!

It’s this toooooo mucn rush right now rushing through you the after affects of dreams like these moments like these to live him like this!!!!!!!

It’s that feeeeeel charlie when you’ve wanted something that bad needed it that bad imagined in your head that bad and to give a visual to that wish of yours even be ur in the dream bhi was something else!!!!!!

Like the second you wake up that first thing on your mind that neeeeed to feeeeel him more smell him away just live and feeeel him away and you literally run to get the workout in and the post feeeeeeeels!!!!!!

It’s that oneness witb him that you feeeel the MOST during these moves and himversions and this feeeeeeel as you move his hand sense of him feeeeel of him moves along with you and HOW!!!!!!

The way it keeps making you want more of him as you keep trying other tracks to feel him all the more it’s beautiful it’s surreal it’s passionate and it’s absolute madness to the waaaaaaays you feel and sense him away as you move…

Donno how what or why but the waaaaaay this one feeeeeeeel every single time post a session it’s something that makes you miss him all the more in ways beyond your mind also which becomes all the more difficult to tame it down……but like he used to say I have your remote and every single time you live this feeeel that echo of his words…. It’s this feeeeeeel right now this missing rightnow!!!!!!! Again!!!!!!

all the reason you were doing your best to skip it all these days but this morning the dream the him to live him from a coffee shop to the lift was something else………..

More coming soon but this rush right now like you just had to write it out right now cause the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays his feeel that sense of him still feels on your skin is beyond anything and everything!!

Beautiful beauuuuuuutoful madness I swear!!!!!!!

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