Monday 1 January 2024

All this time…!

 All these years you’ve been having these dreams of him that have in some way made up for his absence all these years…

But it’s been few months now since there’s been this shift big shift in his dreams the ways he comes now is something that has never happened before……

And it’s so strong so real that you in a way your mind in a way just can’t take it to be just a dream cause that’s how real he feels like talks like comes like…

Like it just can’t be a dream after all!!

And the things it’s been doing to your mind is beyooooooond!!!!!

Like you have been used to living him in the dreams missing him through the day with different moments but lately it’s been all this beautifully maddeningly beautiful!!

Mornings have never been the same lately it’s the waaaaaaays he comes like telling you marking you feel allowing you to feeel his love and him away and HOW!!!!!

And with this new year thing reading posts and stuff you did think bout quitting writing hoping it in some way controls your mind cause this missing this beauuuutofup feeling of feeling helpless missing him away it’s beyond now!!!!!!

But this thing bout missing him this bad that there’s this urge to let it outta you like you can’t tell him obviously can’t hold it in can’t share these with anybody else but here…….

Cause you just can’t hold THIS much missing inside it’s that beautiful need to either scream it out or write scream it out!!

And you chose the second one!!

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