Monday 1 January 2024


 THIS rush of him every single time and this loooooove this urge to get on the mat get in the workout and the second you get on with the himversions the waaaaaaaaays he comes along the warmth the sense the secnt the sound the whisper the touch of him with every move as you move with the flow of him!!!!!!!

Touching you all the way as you move with movements to that constant sense warmth scent of him with every move like you feeeel him the closest in your waking state as and when you get on with this!!!!!!

How you still donno it’s a feeeeeeling you can’t hide don’t wanna hide away!!!!!

Out for lunch with mom with some mall stuff to tackle and all through the day that one constant have to have to get on workout soon as you are home cause the waaaaays he has been coming all these mornings it always makes you leaves you wanting more of him……where it’s also becoming that much more beautifully difficult to handle your own self post these him rushes and Himcomings also loving each one all the more…where you wait for you mind to get normal and that one rushhhhhhh of him comes along and takes you along and how!!!!!!

Like you are in this constant flight mode mind flying high trippin on him!!!!!!!!

And HOW!!!!!

Even now as you rush for the shower for dinner this very instance that sense of him and the waaaaay it leaves that instant shiver the spine!!

And you just had to write it out this very moment pausing everything else away!!!!!!!

Sing miyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if you only knew how in the world maddddddly you are being missed away slightest bhi if you knew!!!!!!!!!

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