Wednesday 10 January 2024

Kyaaa hai ki!!!!!

 How does something like this you never get used to!!!!!

Nai horaaa charlie kyaaaa hai kiii this bad mad mad missing lately naiii horaaaa merse!!!!!!!

It’s just feeeeling ajeeeb now with this BAD missing the mind the you kyaaaa karna saamjh bhi nai ata….

How do you even deal with something this strong!!!!!

Ajeeebesf you’ve felt in a long time THIS missing!!!!!!

Now after firing her it’s all got even more worser like the only reason still giving her chances till this time was just Him…….

The only way to live him for real!!!!!!!

And that too now tho it’s this weird feeeeel of wiped out suddenly!!!!!!

Tried music tried eminent tried dirty rap to swing back into the workout mood just so you could live him after but that didn’t happen too even with the moves of the moves or this gorgeous track either…….nai horaaaaaaaaaaaa charlieeeee!!!!!!  

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