Monday 29 January 2024


 One of the biggest mins challenges is having to shoot with a state of mind like this!!!!!!

like even writing now it’s just not happening and then the waaaaaaay he comes this morning it’s almost magic the way the dream him exaaactly knows what’s going inside of you…the way he touches the way he whispers away just that vibe of complete him and the way what he is wearing falls that beautifully insync too like when you go wild he goes wilder in black when you are this lost in him he goes milder and yet gorgeous in whites…

How what why still doesn’t make any sense but that one wish everytime now like all of you literally begging away on the inside even during these dream moments pls stay pls stay like that one wish for him to stay even after you are up beside you…

And with that much him his words that feeeeel scent and sound of him and then to constantly keep the model entertained so works for the shots and expressions it’s like putting this slow you in another mode altogether!!

And that’s when his music like always helps like now to just feeeeeel him away to that sound of his……

That which he shares in that very first Skype call dedicating a Nusrat khanjis longing track to you…

Some days and dates like when you feel the most shubodh when you remember the date too cause that’ feeeeeeeel of watching him over Skype and be lived and loved by him after bup for the first time again feels it was just yesterday…

January 24th!!!!!!!

How do you even!!!!!!!!!!!

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