Tuesday 9 January 2024


 At the studio working on the next palette and this weird zoningout as his music plays in the background......

When you had to finally take that step of firing the manager this Monday and you alone knows what that means a complete wipe out can't see him can't live him.....

It was long overdue as it's been more than 8-9 times where you had to let go of her mistakes but this time when you had to deal with vendor for no fault of yours and it became a big mess just cause of her......

Can handle anything now suddenly too much work to handle and staff to tackle till you find another manager but it's that one constant thing only thing on your mind...not being able to see him the only way you could for real mein!!!!!!

Lately been going mad missing him so you take a pasue in writing hoping it was atleast get to manageable state but doesn't work the least bit......

Now with this strong need urgency to live him now now and you can't!!!!!!!

When does it all get easy!!!!!!!!!

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