Wednesday 24 January 2024


 Be it going there via map but the road there it left you with that strong feeeeeel even before reaching there like you could that strongly feel it in you the stretch of Narsingi road till there there’s something bout it every single time you pass from there also why it did become your other fav place for random drives with just music playing and living that feeeel of losing in all things him……

Like looking out to those transformers kind electric pillars or whatever it’s called and just living his visuals from the drives and how you loooooooooooved living that beUuuuuuty of him on drives!!!!!

Like you have this similar gut feeeel for the prashasan Nagar slope road too like everytime there this could’ve been the spot where he takes to show you as there were row houses being done back then and you had to look down and he calls it his fav space…

This place too the second you were there the view of the lake eyes shut and there he was glimpses of him from that day this beauuuutifully clear including the before and afte expressions of him and that one smile change before kiss after kiss kinda vibe….

To him taking your picture first and then gets off and takes the picture of his car with the lake view too and this time when you ask for the car being taken in so it’s easier for mom to get in post that accident!!

Ask the driver to wait and take a picture of the bumble blu with that lake view again his style…

And that feeeeeeeeeeeeel it suddenly fills you up with seeing that image and then looking back at the lake lil did you know nai back then years after you will come back to the same spot and miss him THAT BAD WORST BAD POSSIBLE at that very spot like almost 15years after!!!!!!

Whowwww saying it out makes it sound all the more crazy now whowwwwwww that long it’s been nai!!!!!!!!!

Pata nai kya kyu charlie kaise just kaise it couldn’t be anybody else after him……’s like this core of you now Him…

Can’t change won’t change also!!!!!!!

All of these feeeels these rushes these suddenly wild rush in you this other version of you to any of you comes only with and for him…

Like this is how it’s always been…!

Dropping your mom back and that still need to just be in your own and head out again to this other fav road stretch the shoe factory lane play this one track loud and just be living missing him away!!!!!

And HOW!!!!!!

Come back home there was this major issue of water force in all washrooms with some electricity issue too and you couldn’t write out but there also was that need to just be out in the balcony on the swing with the track playing and losing yourself a lil more in him!!!!!!

It’s when this kind of missing hits you you just want to be away from everything else just soak it all in…

That one fellow walking walking coming into your life in his most unique way and leaving this kinda impact on not just your life but on you…

Like literally left that Himstamp over you…

Marked for life…!

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