Sunday 7 January 2024


 What’s your fav scent eyes closed and that immediate recall of that scent of him and how you long to sniff that away for real mein…….

To this very moment slow dancing away to this one track on repeat and all you keep doing is give your one hand to the other reliving him away in that very spot and falling on the ground living him up away looking down on you!!

This beauuuuuutiful madness of some nights when you wait for an hour almost in the balcony as there was going to be some meteor shower tonight and wait for to spot something anythung like that night with him on the call!!

And this very moment dancing away feeeeelin him away and this feeeeeeling you miss him madly swear charlie it’s been maddening lately to the extent of missing him anything lilst of him to all of him head to toe away!!!!!!

And yet the waaaaaaay this swayof missing literally the waaaay it makes you move right now to the waaaaay it makes you geeel everything him…….

It’s these moments theofjb the day sounds theofjb the day goosebumps through the day and the waaaaaaaaaay they have overfilled you with all things him from that sense of him whiff of him scent of him tohcb of him hug of him chummi of him and his skin nnnnnnnnn of all things his hands the hair on his handaaa and how you looooooooooved feeeeelin it awaaay!!!!!!

This again mind rigjttt madly insanely happilpoppily himhighddddd missing highd and hiwwwwweeeeee!!!!!!!

This you everything simble time when you are this fullll of him and lesss of the gin!!!!!!

Like this constant state of goosebumps cause that’s how badly you can feeeel his skin as you give your hand in the other right now and the waaaaay just imagining it is making you feels away right now!!!’nnits stagngeky weird the waaaaay it makes u feeel sezzyyyy on the inside!!!!!!!how u donnooo!!!!

A youniight like this one toooo just living him away in your mind as u sway away…….

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