Wednesday 24 January 2024

This beauty!!!!

 This sudden realisation this beauty of something’s when you write out his details or relive some visuals of his close ups and the way after writing it out too it just makes you smile like this!!!!!

Like leaves that heart happy smile on you just recalling that one fellow away his details his smiles his versions away the most GORGEOUS hooman ever made created I say!!!!!!

It’s that entirety of him that was LOVE just beautiful crazy passionate wild mad love in its most GORGEOUS form and how you loooooved and lived every bit of him……

Whowwwww it really has been this long sometimes when you suddenly realise the time of it it just blows your mind away you’ve seen love not lasting these days all around you marriages failing where they appeared to be strongest…

And there’s you in his absence too still living him away all these years cause that’s how real he feeels everytime you wake up from him…

Like he was just there beside your pillow and also every single time you wake up and search for him for a few seconds depending upon on the intensity of himcoming for that morning…

Sometimes there’s also that one sigh you live just before opening your eyes hoping he is still there even after you are up with that one wish of a Someday soon…!

Wishes and hopes I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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