Thursday 25 January 2024

Long wait!!!!!

 It’s been one long wait for a dream of his saying it when it’s been prolly 2 days and this one waiiiiit be it in sleeep to live him or soon as you are up to just go back to sleep hoping he will come doesn’t work and finally you are up and late and yet that neeeeed to just feeeel him kaise bhi karke…..

And you get into the other alternate way of feeeelinf him workout!!!

this new artist you’ve been listening and trippin over all things him and how you love the cardio session too now something’s nai you just can’t reason why or how just the way it is…

To the post workout and this one feeeeeeeeeeeeel like a strong gush of a wild wild wind he comes and HOW!!!!!!!

Be it these tracks and this one and this realisation today how the same track can make you feel away two extremes at once!!!!!

Like HOW!!!!!

Be it that stillness of missing him ever since the lake trip now this wild wild rush of him with the same track……

Like you’ve been looooving trying out different moves that make you allow you to feeeeel him away more and this one move today to raising and twisting the arms to elongate the spine away and the waaaaaay as you move you feeeeel that touch of his over you to this one stance where you knowwwwww shouldn’t be writing but it was that strong like you could feeeel the teeeth over the arm to the neck it was that sameeeeee feeeeeeel the waaaay he would move back then and come at once!!!!!

It was absolute madness like you could smell his scent feeeeel his hair against your face with your hair tied in a bun that too and yet there was this few mins absolute magical madness the waaaaaaay you felt him today!!!!!!!

The hair the teeeetb that scent of him the waaaaaaay you literally you felt him move around your arm and neck as you weee sitting in that still stance position and just living that feeeeeeeeel of him moving around Andover you with eyes shut!!!!!!!

Like suddenly all you could sense smell live feeeel breathe touch was all Him!!!!!!

Even writing it out now this rush of gooodebumps agaun!!!!!!!

How do things like these even happen mein bolri charloe it’s only getting that much more beautifully worse with each passing day now donnno how this sudden shift of missing!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sing miyaaaaaaaaaaa again and againsaaaa how only you are being missed away and Godzillionth time if you only had the slightest idea!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this rush right now as you blink and relive that feeeel his head over and around your neck sudden realisation that’s how long it’s been having felt him that way too!!!!!!!

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