Monday 1 January 2024


 There was this constant feeeeel of him just like the Versova one being that closest to you like you could feeel him that close sense his breath as crazy as this sounds it’s that thumping feel of a heart beat against your skin constantly like it’s not just your hand moving like you could that strongly feeeeeel him along with you…to the movement your most fav as you elongate and stretch out your upper body and feel him all over…….it’s the waaaaaay that sense of him in those moves makes you move it’s wild it’s madness but the way it still feels that strongly real!!

How you still donno the way it’s all like you are in that himzone of mind with the music playing you moving and feeling him away as you move not just his hands but his face his lips over his skin that sense of him breathing like it’s all there and still not there kinda vibe…

It’s beauuuuutofully magical and yet complete madness and this you know but you somehow no matter what can’t help it and also long for it that bad!!!!!!

It’s like the time in your waking state way of feeling him away and you let it make you feeeeeel away everything it makes you do!!!!!!

Cause the missing lately the dreams lately the Himcomings lately and this is your only way of living him in your waking state………

Also why this one strong pull to get some time out for this moemnt of your day no matter how hectic the schedule is or how less sleep you did manange the night before it’s your moennt of your most loved thing in your life - to live him away to love him away as you live him!!

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